Pact of Gluttony SHOULD NOT be a talent, it SHOULD be baseline

Continuing the discussion from Feedback: Warlocks:

Edit: so apparently despite having Beta access, I can’t post or reply to threads in the beta feedback tabs. Crazy, it’ll just go here instead

As stated in the title, Pact of Gluttony shouldn’t even exist. It makes absolutely no sense at all whatsoever to give healthstone 3 charges, BUT make it so where you HAVE to drop combat AND THEN WAIT 1 entire minute before you can use another charge. Meanwhile you have other non hybrid DPS classes (rogues and warriors, I’m looking at you) that can use Crimson vial/impending victory and DO NOT have to drop combat for the CDs on their abilities to start (both less than half the CD of healthstone btw). The case is especially true in PvP, where they can go and press their heals any time they want and just have it back within the next 30 seconds. Whereas for warlocks, once we use our 1 single heal, that’s it man, there is no more cookie uses the rest of the arena, because you never get the luxury of dropping combat to actually start the CD.

That’s just my thoughts on it, I think the talent is stupid and a waste of space and it should just be baseline baked into healthstone, like it should have been ever since they made it 3 charges to begin with. Common sense sure does sound crazy doesn’t it?


Dont classes drop combat in arena all the time?

Healers to drink, rogues to re-stealth

Shadowmeld being a thing

Also when have locks not been absolute tanks in arena for cloth wearers

You have port, gateway, pact, coil, etc. of youre just face tanking that may be more the issue then the talent.

That said idrc if this was changed

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Why do you have to drop combat? The entire point is to use it multiple times while in combat?

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Warlocks are not Rogues or Paladins, they are not supposed to recover health “equally.”

Pact of Gluttony should NOT require a combat drop, if this is happening, you should submit bug feedback, and not a complaint.

Warlocks also have soulburn-Healthstone, drainlife, soulburn-drainlife, death coil, passive absorb shields, active absorb shields, active DR, passive health enhancement, passive health regen enhancement.

Not counting the tons of hero-tree and spec-tree healing like Infernal Vitality or Siphon Life or Soul Rot or Zevrim’s Reslience etc etc.

The assertion that healthstones are warlocks “1 single heal” is just so insanely bogus.

Nothing should be baseline. Let me build my character the way I want it.