We are a West Coast raiding guild for all the schedule impaired.
Raiding two days a week, 10:30-1:30pst Tuesdays and Wednesdays we’ve quickly established a strong foundation of a raid guild and are actively looking for more members to round our roaster out. With a mind set that every player that is here wants to be here, we’re not holding hands and making sure that you’re completing a M+15 every week, and as long as your numbers and mechanics stay relevant to the group and not a hindrance to progression, you’ll have a seat!
Currently we’re looking for all dps, with a large need for melee and a hunter or two. We could also comfortably fit another healer in our ranks.
We have no IL requirement but slow progress might mean less content for the short while while we collectively try to bring you up to par.
We are 10/10n and 1/10h
Even outside of raid hours we prove to be a relatively active guild, especially so later in the evenings, running mythic plus and a few of us are constantly pvping and would love to have more friends in either of these settings.
If you think that a midnight raiding guild is what you;re looking for and that we sound like a potentially good fit, message me and we’ll chat!