P5 BiS BM Hunter LF Guild

[Class/Spec]: BM Hunter
[Gear]: Near P4 BiS
[Professions]: JC/Eng
[Availability]: Mon-Fri 730-1130 EST
[Guild Type]: Semi-hardcore
[Guild Expectations]: 2-3 night guild. Prefer a guild that clears ahead of the curve.
[Experience]: Cleared all content pre-nerf up until Sunwell including Vashj, no Sunwell experience atm.
[Contact] Discord: GLOCKWORK#5368 BTAG: Glockwork#11552
[Additional Info]: 95%+ parser every phase so far. Great attendance, always come consumed. Primarily looking for a WOTLK home.
[Logs]: https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/mankrik/glockwork#zone=1011