P2 PvP Details

Rank 11 cap, to not ruin MC gear
A week of honor system with no bgs

Basically everything people asked for.
Rare blizz W

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I believe I heard it would take 8 weeks after it’s launch to even hit r14.

Bwl will be out then or very close.

Without any new hard limits, and you simply want to max rank as quickly and effectively as possible; these are roughly the caps.

Week 1 R0 to R4 38K
Week 2 R4 to R7 110K
Week 3 R7 to R9 257K
Week 4 R9 to R11 419K
Week 5 R11 to R12 500K
Week 6 R13 to R13 500K
Week 7 R13 phase 2 419K
Week 8 R13 to R14 419K

If there are Rank limits I recommend you follow the cap max for your week to save time and effort later so that when you pick back up then you can simply cap when ranking is unlocked.

Would it be worthwhile to get 15+ kills during the first week before BGs launch in order to get Rank 1? Or does it not matter.

Doesn’t matter because you don’t have honor tracking till they release it the day of

Not sure what this means. Honor/ranking launches a week before BGs do.

MC gear is trash for many classes no matter what. Many items have also been updated to correspond to way later patches and are like phase 5, 6 versions