Authentic? Haha not even close. It’s simply not possible to recreate vanilla wow, especially starting on patch 1.12 what a joke.
The playerbase has changed, the players of today don’t want to log and be a part of the world of warcraft, they want to collect whatever gear they have googled and log off. There is no mystery, all the information is out, mathematically tested, and how to guides written.
Phase 2 should have been released with WSG. Phase 2 forced griefing has yielded no real world pvp, and has been detrimental to the overall health of classic wow.
Three weeks is way too long. This should’ve come out yesterday. You people don’t understand what it’s like being unable to doing literally anything. Skeram alliance here btw
Im genuinely curious why youd poke around the forums if you have already made the choice to move on?
I quit ESO a few years ago but never felt like i wanted to discuss a game i dont want to play.
The only reason I’m playing Classic at all is to spam BGs ad infinitum, so I’m super happy about it. Sorry to everyone who isn’t.
That’s what you’re competing against now. BGs will make it easier for them to get their PvP gear.
I’m not saying the casual player will run out of content. It’s the top level people that will. And when they run out of content, Blizzard rushes more content out for them. See DM.
DM also introduced epic mounts for a few classes.
Are you forgetting your comment earlier?
Like for many. The forums are just another form of entertainment. I’ll move on once I start playing something else. Till then… much drama.
Nope. That kinda just reinforces my comment.,
You chose to hide behind this alt to make its very first post to me.
Cool. But again, I probably wouldn’t recognize your main… So no need to hide.
And when they run out of content, Blizzard rushes more content for them. See DM.
Ehh, DM isn’t really that big a deal. It’s just one dungeon, not really all that much content. It essentislly just acted as minor filler content for the Honor System and Battlegrounds.
What I would be worried about is BWL coming out as early as January or February; if they do that, it’s clear they’re just rushing it for the minmaxing neckbeards.
This. Horde on high pop servers spent the week trolling alliance for having legit complaints about how bad it was, and are now getting hit hard with a reality check. They literally have to rush a BG out to avoid having BG ques get really bad.
Your post really begs the question: why are you posting on a level 30?
It is the character the forum defaulted to when I started posting.
And I kept posting… over 1600 times with it.
It is essentially my ‘forum main’
there were only 2 months between honor introduction and bgs in vanilla
whats your point?
So you trying to get me to post on my main really just shows how much of a hypocrit you are, which is the entire reason I decided to post.
I love it when reality comes to destroy the fantasy of a forum hypocrit.
You’re mad that 15 year old content isn’t being released as if it were new?
To be frank I believe they should just release it all and let us zerg through it.
Committed player base will stay, looky loos will move onto shadowlands & the world will still spin round Epstein didn’t kill himself and everything will be fantastic. That’s just me though & i’m a nobody.
Too bad Blizzard was fine obliterating Alliance- but won’t do same server BGs because that’d cause Horde some inconvenience. Wouldn’t want that to ever happen.
PvPers are already raiding and have been raiding.
You aren’t really following this.
This Hammis is who I post on. It is my identity on the forums. If I posted on one of my mains I play the game with… I would be hiding my forum identity.
I am guessing you have a character you post with on the forums. You chose specifically to hide that to respond to me. I am special. Cool.
EDIT: I gotta run. Be no later.
Grandmarshals and captains wont be though and unless theyre good friends w the guys in the pve guilds theyll eventually be forced into a pvp one where they can work together to keep their titles, once AQ comes out; they can get better gear from PvE is the situation i was thinking of; not the guys who are “Going to pvp but im doing MC/Ony (or have been) because its 2-3 more weeks till full blue pvp gear”