<Pensive> Nondiscriminatory Dual Faction Community Guild with Mythic+ and Raiding!

Still recruiting dps for Sat Horde team 3H 11N!

Hello All & Welcome,

I’m Dariex (One of the many Patronus officers in the home of Pensive). A very long time, active & commited member of this guild. Well… I say guild … but, truly it’s a home outside of real life. I log on … to see familiar names and players daily! This home is filled with encouragement, excitement, something for each player so they can feel welcome and involved. We have active leadership who hear concerns and attend to guild matters in a timely manner. You are recognized even for something Little as everyone is always watching. We even are dual faction so it doesn’t matter what side you enjoy to be on. We are incredibly active and communicative. The best part is there is no toxicity. WoW is a big world … Pensive makes that world ALOT less lonely! I encourage you to join & play with us. Come be a part of our family, not just someone’s 788th player! :slight_smile:


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I’ve been playing for a few weeks (technically returning but haven’t been active since BC) and this guild sounds like what I’ve been looking for, added a few AGM from your list but feel free to shoot me a message :+1:


Alliance and Horde raid teams both at 11/H!

Community minded members welcome!

I wasn’t sure about joining such an large guild, but I wouldn’t trade it in for the world now. Everyone is helpful and is there to answer questions. The dynamic is very relaxed and no one gets mad about silly things like key depletions. I’m very lucky to be part of this community and to be making strong connections with such wonderful people. If you ever need help, Pénsive is there for you.


Mature guild following basic PG13 guidelines. Always looking for interactive members wanting a low toxicity environment <3

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I think Pensive has an event of some kind scheduled every night. Its a very active and very friendly group. I really love being part of this community.

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Congratulations to the Filthy Casual Raid Team on AOTC on Thursday!

One of the best raid experiences I have ever had is with this team. The best combination of down to business, effective and knowledgable RL, great talented people and fun (with the occasional buffoonery).

Grats Team - well deserved!

I have been in Pensive for 2 years now and it is a great guild. Lots of helpful people, many events and activities. We just got AOTC on the alliance side and we will do the same on Horde side soon. We also run keys from low to over 15ish. We also have many other activities on a regular basis. Finally, we are looking at putting together a casual, yes casual Mythic raiding group (will likely be cross realm). If any of that interests you, give Pensive a try.

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Congratulations Horde side SAotC Team on AOTC!!

Yep Asch, I now have AOTC with both factions in this awesome guild. Check us out folks.

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And we have a very active Discord!

This is the best guild in the server. It has everything a person would look for in a guild. Raiding, pvp, groups for dungeon, mount run, questing groups. Pensive is very helpful towards new players. And at the same time elite to advance players. Pensive is very accommodating. I am very happy to have found them and to be apart of their team.

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Achievement time!! Grats both factions on AOTC…now its time for the mount collecting! <3

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Pensive is the best! I struggled to find a raid team that has times that work with my schedule and I found it here with Pensive. We just got AOTC and there is an active group that is always willing to help you achieve your goals and play any content youre looking for.

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No matter what you like to do in game, raiding, mythics, leveling, mogging. there are events all the time and always people online to help. With a very active discord. This is the most active and friendly guild I have been a part of. There is no judgment, no negativity, and so many helpful people. Join us!

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one of the best guilds that i have had the pleasure to be in . If your new or returning there is always something going on . thanks to all

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Everyone is always so helpful and friendly!

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I’ve been a member for about 2 years and playing since vanilla and Pensive is by far the best guild I have been in. Horde and Alliance side both consistently getting AotC but in a semi-casual (but committed) groups, lots of achieve runs, active guild chat and discord. Mature and no drama and really good officer team that has nipped any toxic behavior in the bud.

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I joined Pensive on the alliance side last year and it has been amazing. I love getting into discord, joking around and having fun with everyone there. It’s incredible how many different things are going on and we’re all there to help each other. There are mythic keys being run from +2 up to +16/17, multiple raid teams, cloak runs, etc. I’m so lucky to have found Pensive and so happy to be part of this guild. Toxic player need not apply. I’ve seen first hand how quickly those issues are dealt with by the leadership team.

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