Overwolf Client and Addon Management - PLEASE Don't Support This!

I’ll believe it when I see it.

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Never heard of this “Overwolf”. Now Twitch is a name I can trust.


I never used twitch.

Its a done deal

I guess you can choose to load addons manually

Why do you all enjoy this kind of snarky response? Does it make you feel good? I don’t get it.

White Knighting data sellers? Why?


its already live
its not going away
I’m not contributing to it monetarily
what do you suggest one does?
wowhead has had its share of bad ad problems. I myself have issues with them
I spend far more time on wowhead than I ever do updating addons

The last thing Blizzard wants it to listen to is people crying for them “fix their addons” on patch day :slight_smile:

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I assume you don’t support Microsoft or Google products either since nobody does more tracking and data collection then they do. CurseForge/Overwolf provides a service I find useful so I use it simple as that.

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That’s exactly why I pay for WoWHead Premium and will subscribe to the ad free version of CurseForge when it becomes available.

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I guess I mean more along the line of mailware than just flooding of ads

I got a virus once from a bad WoWHead ad that’s one of the reasons I have their Premium subscription.

Kind of different here. Wowhead gives you premium for free for life at a certain site reputation level, which you gain just by participating and contributing to the community (comments, screenshots, voting, visiting, etc).

Overwolf does not and will never give you that option.

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I took a chance and installed Overwolf/Curseforge. The install was quick and easy. Nothing else installed. I have it to where it only opens when I click the icon, not on startup. Also, I set it to close out Overwolf/Curseforge when I click the X on the app. I open up the program, update my addons, and close out the program. I have done a task manager to check to see if it’s running in the background and it is NOT. It is not an invasive program. I will be using it. I like it better than Twitch. Finding out that Twitch was Amazon was a shocker to me.


I have uBlock Origin and I never get the ads on any website that it’s active on, including Wowhead.

I use uBlock Origin also I just hate that that it’s currently not working on many Twitch and Facebook ad’s.

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Well, everyone has to make this choice so that if falls in-line with their ethics and their decision to support the site they use.

For me, I don’t like to leech off of a site that is valuable to me. Wowhead, for example, is a site a use often, and I want them to continue to provide me with their content. Since I know running a site isn’t free, I want to contribute to their bottom line. I feel that at the end of the day, advert injection is really difficult for a company that does not do advertising for a living to monitor and prevent without driving up costs beyond what they can reasonably bear. So I have a choice: risk my systems by not blocking the ads, or subscribing. I subscribe.

I would hope that, at the very least, those who use ad-blockers understand the choice they have made. I could certainly see not feeling troubled blocking adverts on a site you hardly ever visit, but if it is a site you rely upon… well.

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I use ad-blockers but if it’s a site I use often that has an ad free option or a Twitch streamer I watch often enough to want to support I will still subscribe.

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Look at installing AdGuard home or PiHole, either one should help with the problematical ads/sites.

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I don’t know about PiHole but I’ve read AdGuard isn’t blocking Twitch ads. I couldn’t use AdGuard anyway since I’m already running ExpressVPN. I did use AdGuard on mobile years ago and it worked well but it killed my battery way too fast. Thanks for the suggestions though.

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ok, so not sure who that person is, but since I am a patron and in the discord for WowUp I can give an update on that addon manager at least. It is in beta right now, working great for most people. It is doing what was intended: download new add ons (ie search for it through wowup) and update add ons. More functionality is in the works, but everything takes time. The wowup dev has been focused on getting the beta out and getting it translated for anyone not speaking English plus random bugs that people are finding.

Around the time you linked the post, there was a meeting between Overwolf and the new addon manager dev’s. Final decision from that meeting was addon manager dev’s would still be able to access the API for now as Overwolf won’t be blocking access. Are the dev’s trying to find another way to do this, yes. What I have no clue it has not been stated and probably won’t until they are positive it will work. So, if you don’t want to use Overwolf and don’t want to manually download the new add on manager’s are a viable solution.