Overwolf Client and Addon Management - PLEASE Don't Support This!

aaaaaand here comes the astroturf

There are other addon managers. I’ll be using one of them. And I’ll be mirroring my add-ons on GitHub.

Their TeamSpeak overlay doesn’t even work properly.

Like it isn’t a functional product.

The ads always loaded though. Funny, that.


Then you get to deal with janky @ss clients like overwolf. Enjoy

WoWup is basically the addon manager you want right now since Twitch addon page is going away. WoWup is pretty stable imo and just as easy as Twitch version. Ur welcome!

Besides Elvui my addons exist to provide me more information or make tasks quicker or more efficient. One example, I’m a quest completist, it is my goal to do every quest in the game, every single one, I’m actually world 46th for quests done :smiley: https://www.dataforazeroth.com/characters/US/Area%2052/Kaurmine (for now) and I can’t tell you every quest I’ve done. I don’t know if I’ve done say A Familiar Axe to Grind in Burning Steppes but you know what can? AllTheThings :smiley:


Could I get this information without addons? Sure, just swing over to wowhead and import my characters :+1: But that takes more time than just opening ATT and clicking on what zone I’m interested in.
If you do a lot of stuff in wow outside of current content your addon collection will grow naturally lol.


I dealt with the old Curse Client and if Overwolf’s CurseForge app becomes the only viable option then I’ll deal with that if it happens. Until then I’ll support WowUp.

What do you mean my fellow American? I love the goods and services kindly provided to us by overwolf. Did you know that overwolf is the best wow addon manager available? Don’t listen to the naysayers about malware, they’re just jealous of the incredible power the overwolf app engine provides.

You’ll be downloading addons faster than you can say “WOW what a great match of American baseball!”

Now let’s go download the overwolf addon manager app today!

Serious addon development should be using Patreon type services to support themselves, not heavily skimmed ad revenue. Scraping FTW. Long live CurseBreaker.


I know you’re trolling since it isn’t even available until Tuesday. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Ever since i started wow back in the vanilla days i always install my addons manually. Never seen the reason to user a sketchy 3rd party programs for something i can do myself that takes at max 10 mins.

If it had an actual UI I might try it until then I’ll pass.

Complex UIs can take far longer, most addon manager can back up your WTF, and there are plenty of non sketchy ones.

If you already have Twitch to get the free stuff and watch streams you lose nothing by managing your add-ons in it as well.

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I don’t think I even started downloading add-ons since WoD.

Since then I just need my action bars grouped up in a certain order after I got my own handy dandy Orbweaver.

Although not ideal, I can stand to lose my dps meter, dbm, and others. But I just can’t play without having my action bars organized this way anymore.

Wowup is fine too, I’ve used it as well. CurseBreaker’s just my preferred client.


Yeah i don’t really run any ui mods i like the base ui. mostly just stuff like all of the things, baggon and titan panel. I only have about 5-10 addons at most.

Let’s just hope they don’t get blocked by Overwolf.

There’s still some hope if Wowup and CurseBreaker are blocked. A lot of popular addons are hosted on GitHub, which Wowup can scrape from (possibly CB too). ElvUI/TukUI and TradeSkillMaster update from their own relatively lightweight and unintrusive clients. For stuff that doesn’t NEED to be updated constantly (DBM/BigWigs when raids launch, RIO, TradeSkillMaster market data), you can always just leave it alone until it breaks, then go download updates from the web when ti does.

How much is Overwolf paying you to shill for them this hard?

Hi, I don’t like this Overwolf thing and how it sounds. :frowning: But I also like to have the following addons


Hopefully this Overwolf thing will not keep me from having these if I don’t want to use their manager?

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