Overwolf bad for Blizzard/Activision business

So do a lot of apps. Overwolf already said there will only be ads in the app so until I see proof otherwise I not panicking.


Overlays are open when apps are open. Close the app when you aren’t updating addons. Most of them you can toggle off anyway, but yeah turn the app off.


well either way. thank you for helping bring a lot more attention to this matter. before today and your numerous posts on this thread, it didn’t have much attention. so thanks :smile:

You’d quit playing WoW because an app you don’t have to use is suddenly the only app?

You absolutely did and have been called out three or four times on your misinformation.

Literally none of us are doing that. Once again, selective reading comprehension. And outright lies.

No one said otherwise. We were just correcting your misinformation.

Except they have ads on the webpage. Why would they stop manual download from a webpage that has ads on it that gets them revenue? You’re not making much sense.

It won’t be. That was already addressed. Though I still wouldn’t use it.

No. According to us, it’s not acceptable to spread misinformation about what’s currently happening. You can absolutely be concerned for what might happen later.

For example:

Hasn’t happened yet. They are not in the process. It’s being left alone for now.

This is also incorrect. These are the things we’re pointing out. You actually told someone Wowup is going to be gone, when it’s not.

None of that pertains to Overwolf. They aren’t developing the add-ons. And that also specifically says the add-on itself may not have a premium feature.

Not the add-on management app. Other Overwolf apps may have this. Their new one for our add-ons will not.

We’ve been discussing this for weeks. Your thread isn’t new. That’s why it wasn’t getting traction. But good twist on finally conceding that you’ve been spreading misinformation. :wink:


Overwolf claims they didn’t, but says Twitch has been doing it for years to try to stop other scraping of the Curseforge website by other downloaders.

theres too much money to be made from ads and selling info via malware for them NOT to funnel as many people into curse as possible with things like CSRF and even possibly magnet links

I use wowup, its pretty good and has a lot less of the twitch/overwolf garbage. :+1:

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if i used that many, i wouldn’t admit it. i don’t even see how it’s possible.

No, they are telling them to stop linking their updater to Overwolves repo server. If they want to run their own updater, they should also run their own repo.


We all knew from the beginning that one day the powers that be would be coming one day. That day was yesterday. Yesterday I was approached by a member of the Overwolf team who essentially told me I could either join them by embedding WowUp into their framework or stop using the CurseForge API.

Nothing has been finalized yet, but I can guarantee there will be no embedding of WowUp into the Overwolf platform, that is the entire reason WowUp was created.

What does this mean for the app?

Well, as I am sure many of you can guess the CurseForge API accounts for over 90% of installed addons at this time. So unfortunately if Overwolf does decide to kick us off their API entirely most addons will not be updated through them.

This post is unfortunate in timing but the plan was always to separate from them at some point but that day just came sooner than hoped.

What’s next?

I completely understand that you signed up for an app that just worked out of the box for all your addon needs without the ads. That will no longer be the case for the time being and I thank you for what your support was able to create. WowUp will not be quite as useful as it was before, but I have been and will continue working on my replacement for CF using a community/developer focused approach just like the app. Most of the top used addons are already available outside of Overwolf and I would like to tap into that.

Creating our own source for addon updates could be a step up from what we currently get from CF, such as Patreon/funding links out of the box, change logs built in, easy use for developers on their already existing workflows so no major migrations.

Again, I understand if you would like to pull your support as the app likely wont do what you signed up for depending on the outcome with Overwolf, but im still happy to work on an alternative if the people want it.


well, when the wowup creator said that their site may be barren, only hosting addons from things outside curse forge. it doesn’t sound good. Posting info on whats said is what I’m doing. Going back and correcting older post based on over wolfs damage control isn’t what I’m going to do. This wouldn’t be news all over the net (not just my forum post) if there weren’t concerns or statements made at a time. Overwolf where trying to push their weight around. There was immediate backlash, and back peddling. then overwolf apologist like yourself go on multiple post rants trying to “correct” things with overwolfs updated responses. saying “well it hasn’t happened YET”. Its not like I’m gonna delete my post or stop raising the potential concern based on a something not happening yet. If that was the case, it shouldn’t have ever been brought up by overwolf to other sources like wowup. if you want to go on a overwolf defense spree, go to reddit or twitter and take it up with the people who 1st brought this to peoples attention. like wowup.

Still stubbornly ignoring the WowUp creators 2nd update I see. :rofl:

Overwolf: Part 2

Today I had a meeting with the Overwolf team. Despite many theories swirling around it was not as eventful as you might have hoped. The call went fine. Options for continuing to use the CF API were discussed for a majority of the meeting in hopes of finding a way to coexist while continuing to benefit the authors. After all, helping authors continue to create things that we like should be the main goal of each application. No concrete solutions were decided on during said meeting so hopefully we will continue communicating for the benefit of the community.

Ok now what?

One takeaway from the meeting was that nothing is changing yet. So, for now it’s business as usual continuing to provide a client that does what you need. We’ve gotten a lot of suggestions and requests over the last few days that we’re in the process of organizing so we can get those out to the 2.0 alpha as soon as possible.

As always feel free to hit me up on discord :slight_smile:

I said I’m not going back to correct updated damage control. my post was made before that. and I already made an edit saying it hasn’t happened yet. So my original posts at the time were accurate. then after the thread was already dead, you and a few others come in trying to “correct” things with updated info lmao…expecting I should have gone back and re edited or something. But until its certain that overwolf has no intention of shutting any other users of curse forge out, I think ill just leave it as is.

my responses have not even been about committing to this thread and wowups 1st update. its about saying why it existed in the first place based on the info at the time…so get over it lmao

You’re the the one who is obsessing over something that may or may not happen. I’m simply correcting the incomplete information you’re providing by ignoring anything that doesn’t fit your version of what’s going to happen.

I don’t even care at this point lol. I am not even fully invested in wow atm. made the post because that small investment would be swayed by something like an overwolf addon monopoly & I saw that as a bad thing…im responding only because its my post and I constantly get notifications. You’re the one on another persons post constantly trying to prove something or whatever…thats obsession lol. My “version” of what is going to happen, is simply repeating there version of what may happen from another source, a creator of a superior addon management system.Bringing attention to that, at the time, current information, was a good thing. because if anything, any backlash could only help keep it from actually happening. so again, get over it lol

Then take your own advice and “get over it”. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Which are very easy to turn off. :man_shrugging:

I’m convinced I’ve been arguing with a child at this point lmao

I feel the same way so I guess this is a good time to end this debate. :man_shrugging:


Ok, don’t.

scraping public websites are not illegal according to US law

I have not got a addon updated with WowUp in weeks . In the last 2 or 3 weeks only got 1 up date that was with minon off wowinterface site . I log into retail and I get so many errors I just log out . I know theres updates if I would use overwolf app NOT going to happen . Heck at this point I will never go to curse web site . Like some one said way up there most addons are on gethub but I never could figure out how to get them with a down loader .