"Overwhelmingly Positive" Steam games you couldn't get into

The amount of people saying how great it is just to show gameplay where

Hitting the boss had 0 impact, and every 15 seconds there was like a minute long cutscene of them dashing around. Plus like half the game is an empty open world

It’s just a very mid game

tbf I don’t think astro bot should’ve won and blatro shouldn’t have been nominated for goty its just another card game that’ll fade into obscurity here in a few months

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Astro Bot 100% deserved GOTY, and Balatro rules lol

But you are entitled to your opinion.

why did astro bot deserve it 100%?

It’s an extremely good game. It has more to experience and more creativity in five hours of content than most games that span 200 hours. I feel like that’s clear to anyone who’s played it lol

Any of those games, barring Wukong, however, also deserved GOTY. I would have been happy with any of those nominees except Wukong because they were all phenomenal games.

Took a few false starts to make it out of act 1 in BG3.

Anything that’s an FPS or a Western RPG. No hate against the games themselves. Those genres as a whole never had any appeal to lure me in or keep me playing.

Part of Wukong’s appeal is its departure from current western trends in AAA games.

I haven’t played it, since I want a GPU upgrade first. Lol

Elden ring, could not get into it.
Cyberpunk, good game just didn’t care all that much for the cyberpunk world

See, I like the world, but the decision to jam the OP GMPC into the player’s head and make the game about HIS story and not the PC’s story kinda kills the desire to go back to it

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Elden Ring for me too. I do intend to give it another go, though. I just wish the controls were more intuitive tbh. Challenge I can handle if controls are comfy.

Dragon Age. It doesn’t matter which one, I just couldn’t get into them. The combat just isn’t my cup of tea.

Addressing the elephant in the room about Wukong. Those DEI over good game hate mongers, sweet baby inc, made a huge fuss that a Chinese made game set in China adapted from the most popular Chinese poem not meeting their standards by not having any poc characters. The internet responded by overhyping the heck out of it just to spite that loud, bad company.

And they are a bad company. There’s video proof of them threatening devs to with the “cancel culture” mob if the devs don’t cave to their demands. Extortionists hiding being and misusing DEI for their own agenda.

Back to topic: RUST, Forest, Undertale, anything zombie, sports, or shooter related.

This was proven to be false. There’s no video evidence of anything lol

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Thank god someone mentioned undertale i hate this game so much

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And did you know that someone wrote the word gullible on your ceiling?

Yeah i tried with elden ring. Maybe i’ll go back one day.

Afterwards i kind of realized that the only soulsborne title i genuinely enjoy is bloodborne.

The gameplay evolution over time is interesting because it somewhat mirrors MMO combat over the same course of time.

And then you get to veilguard and it’s they do away with mmo style tactical combat and make it an action rpg. It plays more like Mass Effect Andromeda (which, i’ll say is one of the few good points of that game) combined with Mass Effect 2 or 3 than it plays like another dragon age game.

Too bad the story is dogwater because veilguard is genuinely fun to play.

Those people just say stuff and assume noone will fact check them, lol. To be fair, their audience never fact checks.