I’ve seen people share some of the darndest things about themselves on the forums, so here it is. A thread specifically for that. Go ahead, tell me something that’s just a little too much info about yourself
I won’t fall for your data collection schemes!
Not again.
I wiped a group for a Ghost Iron Node.
I said this before…
I’ll say it again.
It was worth it.
I really like most people I meet.
I buy salsa from the grocery store and then process it in my ninja blender because I like the flavor of salsa but hate the chunks of peppers and onions.
I hate tomato seeds. I slice them up and scoop out all that yucky seed stuff.
I routinely raid your fridge when you’re not home Mall walker…
Note to self. Don’t trust food made by forum people.
You are so precious!
I hope you enjoyed the fresh tauren milk.
I actually do the same thing (kinda) with store brand spaghetti sauce, i hate the large chunks of onion they put in them, they’re very tough and don’t taste like normal onions so i put the sauce through a large gauge strainer before i use it (i add fresh onion/garlic back in).
<–steals idea for the same reason. Though there’s literally one brand of pasta sauce hunts that I usually buy specifically because it doesn’t have the onion/tomato chunks in it. So glad it’s getting closer to garden planting time so I can make my own salsa/sauce again (Hey another factoid…in addition to video games I’m also a gardening/cooking nerd XD
I’m super keen on getting into this myself at some point, currently i’m travelling around Australia in a campervan (my PC and PS5 run on solar+battery) but when i’m done with that, i plan to settle down and have a greenhouse full of assorted herbs and vegetables
I like wearing Hockey Masks to try scare my nephews and nieces.
Unfortunately they don’t scare that easily anymore, kids these days are more scary
my grandma puts her teeth in a cup of water and sometimes I have nightmares about it chomping me
Definitely an overly stereotypical Italian right down to jewelry choices both in video games and in real life. Shadina wears Brooklyn hoop earrings, for example. I wear a gold chain and a steel band on my wrist. I’d wear a ring too but I never took the time to get one I actually liked. It’s something I’m conscious of, and embrace.
I’m lazy and can’t be bothered to care about transmog or glamour.
I don’t like milk and i eat cereal dry without milk
I cook eggs in the microwave
I put butter chicken or spicy peanut sauce on pasta
I don’t like icecream or chocolate
Black licorice is vile and evil
I just farted.
Sometimes I post on the forum while using the toilet.
(Looks down)
Yea anyway…