Overreacting to Holy

To be fair though, there aren’t any constant sources of AoE damage in PvE when you’re the only healer in the group.

Almost all the dungeons this season have burst AoE in set timings that can be covered exclusively with beacon of virtue or a cooldown. The biggest issue is that you have to rotate cooldowns correctly, you cannot uses wings + divine toll + aura mastery for the same instance of AoE damage.

I’m running 10s and there hasn’t been an instance of AoE damage that beacon of virtue + divine toll can’t outheal.

Which is fine. Anyone knows you shouldn’t be blowing all your cooldowns at the same time.

Personally though, since Virtue requires proper setup (want to cast it before damage goes out for the DR, then you want to make sure you’re pumping enough heals during it’s duration because only 10% percent of those heals are being transferred), I feel it should either be stronger than it already is (I shouldn’t need to cast Divine Toll and it’s 5 Holy Shocks with it, any heal should be enough) or off the GCD it doesn’t feel like I have to wait an eternity between something going pear-shaped and my AOE healing starting.

Though again I’d much prefer if we just got Holy Radiance back, so proper power can be put back into Regular Beacon again.


Idk if this information is useful but I am a terribly noob level player. I do Delves at +5 and heroics/LFR and maybe the occasional Mythic 0 to Mythic 3 MAX. I am currently leveling a Holy Paladin. I have exclusively played Resto Druid for a decade+ and while I am enjoying my holy paladin, I must say the difference is immeasurable. I feel like I am playing a bare bones healer while still managing to have WAY more buttons to press than my resto druid. Nothing I do feels enough. I have stared at the talent tree trying new things and anything I do I feel like 3/10 healing compared to my resto druid.

Is this normal? I am going to assume I am doing things wrong cause I am terrible at this game LOL. It’s fun but yikes the healing itself feels weak [off cooldown]. I do not blow my cooldowns all at once btw.

Is Tyrs Deliverance worth it?


Blessing of Summer is such trash. I can see how Blizzard thought it might add a dynamic aspect to the healer “rotation “ . But what ends up happening? Oh, you just cast that on yourself on cooldown.


Blessing of seasons is more worthless than it’s ever been and that’s saying something because it started out bad


Blessing of treason!


Id like to see the damage increased for holy. I play the melee build and its fun but getting out damaged by a shaman passively from acid rain feels bad.


Its tough for sure, especially have to spend your biggest healing resource to do the dmg at that.

Honestly, that’s just subjective.

The reason why I main Hpal IS beacuse beacon of Virtue exists. It rewards timing. No other healer has something exactly as Virtue.

Both faith and virtue are competitive for most PVE content as well.

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Touching on Blessing of the Seasons, its such an oddly themed spell for hpal. Feels more like a druid thing. :man_shrugging:


Disc Priest Pw: Radiance is just a better version of Beacon of Virtue, btw.

If Virtue wasn’t basically mandatory in higher level keys, I’d consider playing holy paladin again, but I’ve no desire to play a class that needs to spend more globals setting up their throughput than actually executing that throughput.

Virtue just needs to be removed. Or perhaps all Beacons removed-- they seem to be inhibiting class design and are always a balancing nightmare.

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If I’m correct they’ve stated this multiple times, Blizzard has stated this themselves in not so many words.

Its why Beacon has been nerfed just about every expansion in one way or another.

Virtue might be the strongest it’s been since we got it, but Beacon itself is at it’s weakest (only transferring 15% which means its value is greatly dependent on all our other heals not being garbage).

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Well guess what, I also play disc priest and its my second favorite healer. Saying it’s better in a vacum its also subjetive to your opinion, but at least Disc priest whole spec is designed around that, I’ll give you that.

At the same time Hpal doesn’t need to always use a global to heal (as in atonements in disc priest) and cant just directly heal someone. Virtue is instant, Radiance is a cast, which makes it clunkier to use compared to Hpal.

However, I dont think removing all beacons its inherently a bad idea, even if I like the mechanic.

In DF we had Glimmers, Tyr’s passive healing, Beacons, all representing a sizeable part of our overall in PvE content, but our heals were basically 50% weaker than ANY other healer, so they removed Glimmers, nerfed Beacons and killed Tyrs. But now we also have hero talents making 10-15% of our overall too…

We already lost some of the spec mechanics in favour of stronger spenders and holy shocks, and I’m all her for that. At what point are we oversimplifying the class too much/making it similar to how other healers work?

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Wow, you put it exactly right. Soooo much setup and comboing of spells that holy pal begins to feel almost rotational. The spec just flat out feels better to play with Beacon of Faith, it’s just not really competitive if you need raw hps. Virtue feels like super lazy design.

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The ability bloat is real. I don’t understand how Blizzard expects anyone to learn how to play Holy Paladin because nothing is intuitive whatsoever and there’s so many abilities.

You can’t cast half your kit unless you build holy power, which you build through attacking because casting is basically useless, but you’re introduced to casted heals very early, but your heals don’t do anything unless you have 3 or 4 different passive effects stacked up together, and there’s so many to be aware of.

Everything reads like a complete word salad.

“Holy Divinity heals for nothing unless you have Infusion of Sacred Power which activates when you cast Mighty Shield three times while under the effect of Blessing of the Forgiven but only if you’ve used Dawn’s Grace within the last 5 seconds while under the effect of Sanctimonious Aura but only if you’ve used 2 Holy Force within the last 3 seconds within 15 yards of your Beacon of Prayer!”

Meanwhile the other healers are like:


There’s moments where if you didn’t things right you literally have nothing to do. Learning how to use the class was absolutely miserable (honestly I still don’t completely understand how it’s intended to work) ontop of healers being such a crucial and highly criticized role.


Another 5% nerf inc, keep this up and we won’t be able to heal anything without wings active. Why they’re nerfing our healing again instead of just fixing the stupid Dawnlight raid bug is beyond me. Meanwhile rsham throughput untouched, it’s unbelievable. You’re also wrong about your first statement, there is the third boss in Necrotic Wake which is essentially a heavy rot damage fight at 10+.


Are holy paladins bad in PvP? I haven’t fought against/with many lately. Is this a “other healers are stronger so holy pally is automatically trash” thing, or a “holy pally has legitimate issues in PvP” thing?

Stop letting the interns do balance and get your crap together. You guys are making fools of yourselves at blizzard, you should be ashamed of the “balance” you guys are doing, it’s so wildly off base and absolutely tone def