Honestly, if you’re that worried about it start a discord server. As long as you post on these forums you’ll always be stuck to their guidelines and policies.
Do you even know what a victim is?
I accept there are things about me, and the way I think that are considered crass to society. I use this knowledge to improve myself, when and how I deem necessary.
They aren’t making me more of anything. My entire lively hood revolves around helping people. They could no more help me with that then help thereself.
Im a tuff guy.
No need friends.
Yet you claim others are self-righteous. Dear God this whole post reads like what an evangelical would write about their moral compass after demanding someone get kicked off food stamps for being unemployed.
“I’m not sensitive.”
Asks for special forum for himself where people can’t be mean to him.
Would you like me to change my business model to be less helpful and more progressive?
I don’t go to church, but calling someone an evangelical isn’t a bad a thing. At least they stand for something good. No, not all of them can live up to the high standards they place on others, but at least they have standards.
That’s debatable.
Is this forum some kind of therapy session for you? I’m done with this thread, cya.
You “don’t need” the forums but you have a MAC spoofer in case of emergency. Lol. Pretty sure this forum is one of the dwindling numbers of spaces that even tolerates the pompous misogyny you peddle, because real life must be a real bear to you.
Not for the forums, that’s for my job.
If you look harder you can find them. I was gabbin with a friend about it the other day.
There little brain been melting what kind of people fight over toilet paper you cant eat it lol. And you still got to take a shower duh
I love you too
It’s called in-group preference bub.
Predominately minority neighborhoods are no different than majority neighborhoods in this regard. Do what I did and get around your people if you’re not a fan of the in-group preference behaviors.
I did. I’m out. It’s just always something that sticks out when I do visit for the Holidays and what not.
Yeah, half my family I don’t really spend any time with. We are super different.
Even old friends from college. It can be awkward but I think of their comments in hindsight and ask myself why I ever bothered.
Life is too short to be around people who for whatever reason don’t want to be around you.
i like how so many of you went way out in left field totally having nothing to do with the post.
Op,I have to agree with you on this when a conversation whines up in an argument on a subject and knowingly is a project from another Say argument that has little to with the subject posting …This individual would keep it up by trying so hard to prove your a troll because you don’t wish to cause more of a scene than it already progress to and doesn’t mount to a hill of beans in the end.
That’s basically what it boils down to.
The party of “personal responsibility” can’t handle consequences for their actions.
The fact that there’s so many crybabies in the replies and that this got ignored just proves how right you are.