Overkill bug

One of my characters is bugged. Just the one. I am overkilling and one-shotting everything by like 15k per attempt. I get no experience from mobs, and quests are giving crap experience. I have logged out, waited until after the patch, and nothing has fixed this issue. I tried starting a second character and it doesn’t seem to have the same issue, but tbh I only want to focus on one.

What has happened is that your character has leveled beyond the area you are playing in. You’ll have to move on to another zone with higher-level quests and mobs.

This is pretty much how WoW leveling has always been. The only exception is if you choose to do all your leveling in the Battle for Azeroth zones (which scale with you levels 10-50) or, on your second character, you activate Chromie Time to allow scaled leveling in other zones besides Kul Tiras or Zandalar.

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How are you playing the game from the website?