Overgrown ancient is impossible for me

I’m playing resto shaman and about 388 ilvl but every time I’ve tried 9+ 10+ on academy I simply can not heal enough to keep the group alive during overgrown ancient. Splinter bark does so much damage I can’t seem to heal faster than they take dot damage.

Are any other healers experiencing this or have any tips?


As a dps, what I may do for that particular instance as a dev evoker is spec into the thing that removes bleeds just to help the healers out. It would be on a 1 minute cd but if I dispell it off myself or them it would help out massively cause, in theory, it’s 1 less person to heal.

That boss is 100% a dps check even with people smashing the adds etc it is a long fight.


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Your group needs to kill the ancient branch (big add) that spawns, right after the 2nd wave of active adds. The ancient branch on death will then leave a circle on the ground that heals and removes all application of spinter bark. That damage is unheable. Your group was just not doing the mechanics and saving cds for the 2nd group of adds.

The strat is to naturally cleave the first add wave (which are dormant), when branch spawns, you cleave it off the boss, interrupt its heal cast and make sure it gets low, but don’t kill it yet. When the 2nd wave of adds spawns (this time active so they melee and apply splinter), use CD and kill the adds with the branch and everyone needs to stand in the circle to cleanse off splinterbark.

Repeat till boss dies


^^ Beat me to it :stuck_out_tongue:

People do this fight wrong a lot.

Stack up near the tank so the adds all spawn together. Blow up the adds.

Wait for bigger tree add to spawn, interrupt it’s heal then dps it. When it dies it leaves a circle behind. Enter the circle to cleanse your dot.


Omg I didn’t know you could do that. TY for that. Now I know!


people are doing the encounter incorrectly. It’s not you.

Everyone needs to group up on the boss so that all the little adds are grouped up around the boss. This will make it much easier to see the big add when he spawns and everyone will already be there in the circle when he goes down to remove the debuff.

You cannot heal through that debuff. no one can. It must be purged by everyone being in the circle when the add dies.

It’s not you. It’s a fundamental misunderstanding of the encounter by a lot of groups right now.


I think the reason being is when it dies doesn’t it put the same animation out when it spawns in too?

I went with “if it looks bad don’t stand in it” and I don’t remember seeing it in the dungeon journal but I could have glanced over it.

That is gonna make that fight 10x better knowing this now.


yeah, Fuzz, it’s a giant green maldraxxi looking circle. It looks like something you shouldn’t stand it…but you deffo should. /grin

Best of luck in your next academy run. :slight_smile:


what’s the advantage to waiting to kill the branch?

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the circle it leaves behind burst after 3 seconds, you want it up for when you’re dealing with the 2nd wave of adds


thank you. i had a feeling that might be the case but hadn’t gotten to test it yet. i appreciate the info!

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