Overcrowded Realm Update

Blizzard cannot know which of the 3 characters will be played and which are placeholders until leveling begins. Go drink another beer.

Screw that, if people are that dense not to move in advance when given ample opportunity then either make them reroll later(preferable choice as I hope they donā€™t do character transfers)or pay for a transfer(hopefully they donā€™t allow them). They donā€™t deserve free transfer for being dumb.


Why should Blizzard plan for your ignorance. They are telling you right now, that there is an issue with over-population on this server. They are giving you every chance to correct this before launch.

If you donā€™t want to listen, thatā€™s fine, but, Blizzard should not have to have a contingency plan for a problem you were aware of and did not care to do anything about it.

Have fun if they have to leave layering on, as a contingency plan.

Enjoy those 5 hour queues.


So if you are going alliance and horde you only get to pick one name? so if you are going to plant a few characters on the realm you can only get one of your names?

no, its not over inflating the numbers unless you have no plans to play there.

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Join the fight!

Last I checked Stalagg is the only NA PvP server that isnā€™t listed as High or Full server pop. What are the chances another NA PvP server will be opened prior to launch?

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Translation: I dont care if the server becomes unstable and crashes!!! I want the server I am on busting at the seems with people.

SE didnt want that happening which is why they limited character creation. Not a poor buisness choice a wise one. If you like server crashes, instability and sitting in a queue for hours well keep character creation open.

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given that everything else is full or high except the one medium and 2 rp servers, i would expect at minimum 1 more pvp and pve server added near release to absorb the theoretical 50% (double the players) of players that are not getting a sub till release. it would be the new player server (which if the Reddit survey is an accurate sample would hit full very soon after release).

Blizz cant fix human nature. Some people like packed servers. Iā€™m one of them.

Iā€™m not budging from Pagle and neither is my guild and its Full now too.

Just makes us more excited for launch. Imagine a few seconds being the difference between being able to login day one, and being stuck in a queue waiting hours for a layer to spawn and open a spot.

Its hard to explain looking forward to such a thingā€¦ but here I am.


Translation: Iā€™ve seen this song and dance already a dozen times across WoW and other games.

Iā€™ll cya in 2 years on Herod


Rofl No you wont I dont care for pvp never have.

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Fair enough, but keep a mental note of this conversation and a year, or 2 years from nowā€¦ if Herod is still the top populated realm, i will have been proven correct.

If iā€™m wrong, then iā€™m happy to be so but history will repeat itself because it is simply human nature

Most people have names reserved on realms they will never play on. I do, same name on 3 separate realms. Iā€™m inflating the numbers artificially on 2 other realms.

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Not for me joined one of the lowest active realms in ff14 years ago still on that same realm. Huge populations to me are puss filled abesses crammed with more germs then a dumpsterā€¦


Iā€™ve been on and enjoyed low end servers, but iā€™ve also played on and desperately wanted out of low activity servers.

3 times with blizz, 2x with SWTOR, and once with EQ back in the day.

With pvp especially, once one realm is deemed as THE realm to be onā€¦ the others will just slowly bleed players to it over time. It wonā€™t be overnight, or even the first few weeks.

But every day Herodā€™s gravity will suck in players looking for pvp as the realms slow down in activity a year or so on.

Part of picking on the most populated realm is the security of being able to be on the most populated realm long term. It provides a security blanket of ā€œIā€™m on the most populated realm so i will have a good healthy vibrant community a year or 2 from nowā€ and they will, because as the game slows down and other pvp servers get slowerā€¦ they will naturally migrate to Herod.

EDIT: Blizz also only has themselves to blame for the community reaction, not only was 3 realms WAY too low (5 is still too low) but we have ALL watched them on retail as everyone migrates to 4-5 realms that are full, and 200 realms are basically dead AFā€¦ and nothing is ever done


So do like everyone elseā€¦reserve a name on Herod, but donā€™t play there.

Iā€™ve suggested they add a single name slot to the creation limit just so people could do this.

Hell, make your main faction on Herod and play with your opposite faction alt during heavy login times.

Iā€™m not pouting about the long login queues; just stating how i think itā€™s gonna go tbh.

Some people have multiple toons on Herod or the other realms, and would need 1-2 more slots

Iā€™m all in with Herod, push comes to shove Iā€™ll alt elsewhere but as for reserving a name itā€™s too late at this point. Even if I had the opportunity to drop a name on a new server released tomorrow I wouldnā€™t do it. At this point it would be sloppy seconds.


Oh well. I think realms will be just fine. But, Blizzard screwed the pooch letting one account create 3 characters on 3 random servers just before launch. Who knows where people will call home?

could be all 3. 1 pvp 1 pve 1 rp
People can have more than one social circle.

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