Overcrowded Realm Update

This Blizzard post has probably made it worse for Herod.


That’s why Herod was called out by Blizz alone, right?

Herod has a bigger population than either of the other PVP servers, and it’s clear by how big the queue was on it the other day, and by this blue post begging for HEROD (not faerlina or thalnos) players to reroll Stalagg

More people = more pvp. Sorry, but Herod has clearly set itself up as THE pvp server to be on for the east coast. People want to play on the most populated realm


Serious question, does the full status take into account every individual character or account? I know many, myself included, that have all 3 reservations on this realm.

I think you guys were not prepared for this at all. Currently, Stalagg is Medium, and everything else is HIGH/FULL. You cant even them out like that, you should have created more from the get go. Would have been a lot easier for you to merger some low player servers than to just say Hey, you signed up for this realm but we need you to go some place else or it will be bad.
Trying to join an East Coast PVP Server and avoid streamers
 not many choices there.

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Let’s be honest and go a step further. First of all, I’m on Herod and my entire guild is committed to it. However, let’s look towards launch. Not only will we expect the past queues to be indicative of launch, BUT, we can expect even more people to have committed to Herod, on top of all the people day 1 that either are joining friends/guilds on Herod, or it is just the easy choice on day 1 since that’s where everyone is going.

Tl;dr: Expect a large majority to go Herod even if they haven’t already pre-created yet. Day 1 is going to be a nightmare everywhere, but doubly so for Herod. It’s going to be a fun (and bumpy) ride for us all here on Herod.


This might not have happened if y’all gave us more servers to start.


Yeah it is, but again, i’d rather suffer queues for the highest pop realm than go to the consolation realm and watch it bleed players over the next 1-2 years to herod anyway.

It happens for all MMOs when one realm is the dominant pvp realm, and this will be no exception. It’s almost like a planets gravity; the bigger Herod is, the more it pulls other players in. There’s nothing that can be done about it

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Since we are all making suggestions here. I vote for Blizz to lock realms as soon as they become FULL
 Yes it means players can’t join a friend’s realm, but that’s what happens when you don’t coordinate with your friends better.


Why would people willingly move to a server with crazy q times?

Yes,because it’s literally getting to big.

How hard is it to understand Blizzard has parameters. They are expecting a drop off and have introduced layering to combat that. Herod has gotten to the point were if they keep adding layers it well literally just get worse once layering is gone and you go from 20k online between layers on one server with a 10k+ queue to only 3k online and still a 10k+ queue.

Get your head out the clouds.

Herod and 2 other servers are on the will have queues list so with the same amount of people in the world on every server, thats the same pvp not more.

Like I said before the 3k with no queue will have more pvp than the 10k staring at their queue number drop.


All of the names I wanted, are already taken on Stalagg, so any chance for me moving off Herod is not going to happen.

I’m just amazed at how you all were not aware that this was going to be a problem by launching with so few servers.

Again, proving that Blizzard is just out of touch.


That’s such a bad suggestion, they would do nothing but lose subs.

Imagine telling a friend, who has never played ANY wow and got the game to play with you, that he had to roll on a consolation realm.

They’d just uninstall and be done with it.

This is on BLIZZARD, not the players


maybe you shouldn’t have only had a couple options of people to choose from at the start then?

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There are no consolation realms. Imo, I’m glad I didn’t pick herod.


Because drop off is inevitable over time, and Herod will become the go to PVP server as that happens.

More and more people will then naturally migrate over to Herod, and it will snowball the cycle.

This has happened to literally every MMORPG ever made with pvp servers, and this is no exception.

Look at retail wow as an example and see how there’s a handful of populated realms and 200 dead ones

No. It means you leave Herod and join your friend elsewhere.


You can’t link a shred of proof that there will be a drop off. Retail wow sucks. You can’t compare the 2.

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let’s make this simple
 more people = more pvp, and more people = BETTER community long term in game and a healthier server.

Why on earth would i move to the consolation realm when i’m already on the good realm?

i’ve done that song and dance before with blizz, and then had to pay them a year later to escape a DEAD realm

Drop off is inevitable for multiple reasons.

  1. quite a bit of wow players in vanilla never reached max level. that will repeat itself

  2. dropoff happens with EVERY game, it is inevitable.

That’s why it’s best to suffer queues now to avoid being caught on a dying realm a year from now

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Stalag XIII-C was a German Army World War II prisoner-of-war camp