<OverAchiever> Weekend raiding guild seeking more!


:sparkler:Progress: 8/8N 4/8H Season 1 TWW so far

:sparkler:Raid Nights and Times:

  • Friday 9:00p(sometimes 9:30p depending on RL’s temp schedule) - 12:00a Server / Eastern US Time
  • Saturday 9:00p - 12:00a Server / Eastern US Time


  • AOTC raiders looking to transition to Mythic
  • Players interested in running M+ (even if you have no interest in raiding!)
  • We are seeking more members to help fill out the off nights for mythic+ running, PVP, ect on non-raid nights. If there’s enough interest, we may introduce a Casuals / Alt night.
  • Casuals / Non-raiders / Non-M+ runners welcome as well, those who just want to socialize or be part of a community without any requirements!

Classes/Roles Needed for Raid Team

  • Devastation Evoker
  • Aug Evoker (maybe, dev is preferred)
  • Warlock
  • Boomkin
  • Shadow Priest
  • Back ups / Bench / Fill-ins (can’t raid all the time? That’s fine! People call out from raid often so you’re likely to be able to fill-in so long as you meet the raid requirements!)

Classes/Roles Needed for Key Running

  • Everything!

:sparkler:About the Guild

We take an efficient based approach to raiding. By focusing more on player improvement rather than toxic raid practices, we are able to keep a friendly, stress-free environment! We are not shy to make each other laugh with inside jokes, dirty humor etc. whilst still able to focus on the kills. When we are not raiding, we offer a variety of other activities throughout the week (Or at least we’re trying to while we recruit more). We run multiple key groups with varying ranges of difficulty throughout the week at various times though most of us are active more in the evenings due to adulting.

There is truly something for everyone from raiders to new/returning players! No experience required to join guild, those interested in raiding will need to meet our minimum requirements to raid depending on the difficulty we are pushing!

Right now our minimum requirements for raiding are as follows:

580 ilvl for NORMAL raid

600ilvl for HEROIC raid (this will be raising soon as we progress)

***ilvl for MYTHIC raid (Will come once we start progressing into mythic)

Ability to play your class at a level required for the content we are clearing. We do watch meters for numbers, but we also watch player performance. Ability to move and dodge mechanics, survive mechanics, do important tasks during a fight (like the webs on Silken Court). We expect all raiders to know these things and be able to do them in case the ones we normally have assigned to these tasks aren’t here. We will help train to an extent.

We will work with players to try to help them come up to these requirements and get them to a place that will keep them on the team but if a player is unable or unwilling to put in the effort or gain the ability to meet these requirements then you will be sat until they can.

:sparkler:Feel free to contact us if you have any questions! PLEASE DO NOT RELY ONLY ON GUILDS OF WOW MESSAGING! I TRY TO CHECK OFTEN BUT I MAY MISS YOU! Contacting Coda or myself through Bnet or Discord is going to be your best option!

Guild Master: Coda
B-Net : Codalaw#1712
Discord : Codalaw

Recruitment Officer: Fluffie
B-net: Fluffie#1135

(UPDATED: 9/22/2024 Fluffie)