Over the years i've asked a simple question: Where is titan keeper freya? I think i finally have the answer

I’ve posted here a few times asking the question: Where is titan keeper freya?

I explained her absence in the defense of ulduar in legion, the disruption of the cycle of rebirth relating to ardenweald, the destruction of teldrassil, the awakening of the dragon isles and watchers, the discovery of khazalgar, and so on. For like 4 expansions or longer she has not appeared. In fact Freya is the only keeper to not appear in Legion and does not answer the call of the hear in BfA.

I think I have finally figured it out. I made a video essay about it on youtube as well which is still uploading but I wanted to sort of throw it out there now.

Titan keeper freya will be in the rootlands.


Eonar was given a seed by Elune to plant the first world tree, Eluna’hir, according to a lore item in the Emerald Dream in Dragonflight. Amanthul was upset by the world tree and demand it be destroyed, ripping the top of the tree off. Eonar told Freya that though the top was destroyed the roots would grow and life would flourish as a result.

The tale then goes on to say sometime after the fall of the black empire guardians would find the roots to worship and protect them. Orweyna and her people, the harronir, worship and revere the roots growing under khazalgar.

We even know where this world tree was.

Remember the emerald nightmare raid in legion? Il’gynoth, heart of corruption, occupies a world tree in Un’goro crater. Malfurion says that if Il’gynoth’s corruption of the world tree in the titan’s playground were complete, then its corrupting roots would go all the way to the core of the world and unleash the nightmare on all of azeroth.

The world trees feed on void energies. Concerned with the spread of Saronite, Fandral staghelm created the great tree clones around azeroth from cuttings taken from Nordassil in Hyjul. The great trees he planted were very effective at removing the saronite from their regions. To celebrate the cleansing, they planted the final great tree in Northrend where it would grow rapidly becoming the world tree of Andrassil. When the roots of Andrassil grew into yogs prison he was able to find a way to corrupt it creating the nightmare where it lay dormant to fester.

Succumbed to the madness of yoggsaron Freya hid away in the plant nursery part of Ulduar, isolated, doing who-knows-what. Now, if you ask me, it doesn’t make sense that a plant very good at removing old god corruption would be corrupted by an old god. Personally I think that the maddened Freya was manipulated by Yoggsaron to created the nightmare, but we’ll have to see on that.

In a moment of clarity the keepers grant us powerful boons to defeat N’zoth.

It’s worth noting the puzzle box of yoggsaron hinted at the nightmare and dreams corruption many times describing a terrifying black forest, like that we find in the corrupted un’goro crater in the legion raid, the Emerald Nightmare.

Early datamined images of the world map showed the rootlands betewen ajkahet and Hallowfall. The gap between them in the westernmost part is a chasm where a lake used to be. There is much void corrupted fauna growing on the former lakebed and some of it blooming. The story for the lore within basically says that the black blood is ancient and always present in the earth but that it laid dormant and inert, but that the sword stab of sargeras dislodged it. I believe the bulk of it was here in this massive lake referred to as the ruptured lake, that when dislodged emptied into Ajhkahet pooling beneath Nerubar Palace. To back up this claim the roots that the harronir worship line the walls and ceiling of the collapsed lake.

There is a dragonflying glyph in the ceiling where a spiral of roots leads seemingly to nowhere. If you fly too high you get put to sleep and teleported to the bottom of the chasm safely. The debuff reads “you feel drowsy.” It is around here that we first meet orweyna when transitioning from hallowfall to azjkahet and here we first encounter a pool of the black blood in its caverns. The entrance of the coreway in Dornogol is on the westernmost part of the isle of dorn in dornogol. And the ruptured lake is even further west. And the datamined images that contained the rootlands show the zone to be even further northwest. Looking at images of the pre-sundering world and where Dornogol would have been relative to uldum, ungoro, and the well of eternity, this is consistent.

So where has titan keeper freya been? Wasn’t there to defend the dream. Wasn’t there to help ardenweald. Wasn’t there to honor amidrassil. No where. She only appears on time in dragon flight season two in an alternate timeline, in the time rift of Ulgaloth. In ulgaloth siridormi says the titan’s experiments succeeded, there is no shadow here, only order and life. And here we find Titan Keeper Freya who bares the title of “Planetary Overseer,” on an instillation identical to that where we found Eonar on Elunaria in Tomb of Sargeras, and she has a chance to drop a time warped fragment of Eonar’s staff.

Where is our Freya though?

I believe the rootlands. Freya played a key role in the creation of the emerald dream as it was ordered from the nascent dream of the world soul. And dragon flight s3’s lore item that tells us the story of Eluna’hir explains it is Eonar’s secret in connection with Elune (and probably the winter queen, because world tree seeds seem to be made of souls from the shadowlands reborn into a seed.)

We are gonna see Freya in the rootlands or this will be like the third frickin expansion I got it wrong.

Freya should be in Ulduar with the other keepers who were against Odyn.

She is not though. In legion all the titan keepers still alive except Ra and Freya appear in the defense of ulduar against the legion.

She doesn’t appear a single time in the game since the Ulduar raid until Dragon Flight S2 when we travel to an alternate reality and must defeat a version of her that bares the title “Planetary Overseer.” And that was the first and only time since ulduar. And that is an alternate timeline where the Titan’s had won the cosmic war essentially, not our own, not our Freya or the Azeroth we know.

In BfA when magni sends out a distress signal from the chamber of the heart nobody at Ulduar will answer the distress call. Eventually after refusing to stop, mimiron picks up the phone just to hang it up as soon as he did in a fit of annoyance–Freya does not answer this call. Ra-Den answers the call from Pandaria and travels to the chamber where he remarks with wonder that the chamber was unknown to him and that it must be Arcadeus’ work in secret.

I think it was less they were against Odyn and more Odyn was against them. He’s the one who packed up and left remember.