Over-the-shoulder, perspective new MMO?

It would be kind of cool if Blizzard, one day in their awe-inspired grasp, decided to create a new MMO based upon existing lore (possibly of warcraft?), but instead enforce a over-the-shoulder, perspective where interaction with NPCs and other players take more prominence.

I know they initially wanted to do this with Diablo IV, but scrapped it later on (the over-the-shoulder perspective that is).

But for an MMO, it might possibly be a really great idea.

This would be a compromise obviously between First-person mode, and the pure third-person perspective we have currently in most MMOs.

Or maybe we could just have the option of switching between first-person or over-the-shoulder, but limit the view to only those two options.

I think a lot it would bring back a lot of the social aspects missing in MMOs these days, if they simply made MMOs more like single-player Skyrim games and such except with a more massively-multiplayer component to them.

I know Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is trying to do all this, but it’s been sort of stagnated i think (not sure) by the passing of Brad McQuaid (lead dev and one of the original devs for Everquest).

They just need to make a really, really expansive world.

And the Bard class always has to be in it… xD.

Could try BDO or ESO

Action Cam is a thing in the game that can do this.

Type /console actioncam on.

Zoom in camera

Boom - over-the-shoulder 3rd person camera.

Do a full reload (/reload all) to deactivate, or type /console actioncam off.

I totally forgot about this! Wasn’t this from WOD?

Maybe? I didn’t discover it until Legion, but it might have been implemented earlier than that.

Action cam, GW2 UI, and sexymap all make the game feel fresh and new if it starts to seem like its showing its age. That’s what I typically do when I’m leveling alts or just doing some mindless questing.

Hey Op,

As mentioned, you can use Action Cam for this. There are also addons you can use with Action Cam.

If you want a simple addon which will let you toggle Action Cam on and off from a minimap button, that functionality is built into SneekeeMods: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/sneekee-mods

If you want a full featured addon where you can set camera transitions for different situations, you can use DynamicCam:

Action cam is great, but I can definitely see the value in the game being built around that camera style. It places an impetus on the devs to make sure every corner of the game works well in that mode and it fixes the problem of me as a player forgetting to zoom back in after doing something that calls for putting the camera in lunar orbit.

Thx for the suggestions.

To be honest, I wonder if the original Project: Titan that was cancelled, an MMOFPS endeavor (possibly based in the Starcraft universe?) by Blizzard was using an over-the-shoulder approach. It would still be a great idea for a new Blizzard game. I wonder if this exact idea is one of the new games in development from Blizzard.

An over-the-shoulder POV seems very suitable to an MMOFPS, lol.

It would be a great prophetic prediction indeed, lol.

Iirc titan assets just became overwatch