Over it already

Boost bronze drop rates by minimal 3x or ima unsub for 3 months until the launch. already 2k on retail & don’t care to spend 40 hours a week farming cosmetics. event was a lot of fun until I heard about the frog farm results and seen the videos [After] it was fixed. I didn’t expect it to be “fixed” because I recalled the frog farm from back then & I am just flabbergasted how blizzard devs didn’t think of it. uninterested to continue, ill give it week & im out.


Go back to retail and farm old raids in minutes. Keep all pieces since when warbands come out, they will change the way TMOG collection works.

Use bronze for only the really difficult or hard to obtain mounts, toys, pets.

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Explain me this pls…

As of now, a plate wearer can only collect plate appearances when dropped. When TWW launches, this will no longer be the case. It won’t matter if it is leather, plate, mail or cloth…the appearance can be collected by any class.

That means that you don’t necessarily need to run your entire “alt army” through an instance/raid to get the appearances you are after.

I am not sure if they mentioned it was retro-active (it might not be) but it is a time-saver.

I think by this weekend the event will be over.
I only see a small handful of people on my server at any given moment whereas on the opening three days it was a madhouse with hordes of people everywhere.
Blizz will probably increase bronze drop rates this coming weekend or next Tuesday but will be too late by then. People will be gone.

I’m level 70 with no incentive to level up my gear past 360.
I unlocked a couple mounts and some cosmetics, so I’m basically done anyways.
No way I am leveling an alt through all that again. Achievements aren’t account wide so what’s the point?


…this is a very good change… LET’S GO…

ohh that’s right— I’m stuck in Pandaria Remix :disappointed_relieved:

Just get the stuff that’s tough to get. The other things are 100% obtainable if you have max-level chars in retail.

I might even cheese the unlocking of allied races by race changing my monk to do the unlock quests (since they are gated behind reputation) and then changing back once they are complete.

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Same boat, except I haven’t even hit 70 yet. I stopped rushing the second I heard about the frog nerf. The only thing I really wanted was the Heavenly Onyx, which after over a decade of farming on live servers…somehow still has evaded me. I had planned on doing the Mythic SoO for the new fos, but I have no fomo for it since i did it when it was current.

I’ll buy 3 tokens to offset his sub.

Diamond hands, Blizzard. Not one inch to the whiners and lamers.

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I’m sure they would thank you for your service, if they knew you exist.

They removed the reputation requirements about a year ago. You just need a level 40 toon and to do the quests.

Has it been confirmed to work with tier pieces? Most of the good looking stuff comes from class specific tiers. Weapons could be huge though. There are some insane maces and staffs that I want.


Agreed again the bronze is a little rediculous right now. But I’m still extremely happy that even just leveling 1 character I got enough bronze for two incredibly rare mounts plus some change… I’m struggling to think of any other time in blizzard history we got this many rewards for this little effort? Plunderstorm-No//Monthly shop-No//Other events?-No?

Why does someone elses power in a non competitive limited time gamemode intended to be memey bother you so much. I mean I know the answer its rhetorical. Its jealousy. You wish it were you. And therefore its not fair. Which I agree it isn’t. But if you take a step back wether the frogs existed or didnt shouldn’t affect your gameplay whatsoever in the slightest. You would, could, and should still be doing the same things. Its upsetting to see others get free rewards sure. But I dont get this “world is over cause frogs” mentality in this gamemode. But honestly if blizzard does nerf the froggers I also wouldnt care either. Cause again its a meme limited time event. I just hope they buff bronze. But be angry at blizzard for bronze, and not the frogs, or the frog event, or the froggers, etc. If it wasn’t frogs it would be 10 other exploits. Like it has been… and there are still ones flying under the radar… its just the frog one was on asmongolds stream. Blew up into the public. And was by a decent margin the most effecient.

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Thanks for the information. I took a break during that time and was not keeping up on that information. So, I guess at some point the TR character is just going to be on park while I do the real farming with my army of dranei.