i also have a feeling that even if i were a much much better player it wouldnt feel great over half the time as well.
something doesnt seem to be clickin.
i also have a feeling that even if i were a much much better player it wouldnt feel great over half the time as well.
something doesnt seem to be clickin.
Pretty much how every melee class feels except for rogues. Range meta means we can be killed before we have a chance to connect.
With the way blizzard has let AB / WSG die and AV be the only way to farm honour, I think they are wanting PvP to be a side avenue for gearing.
diddnt think id agree with ya on anything but we finally do agree on something.
being melee kinda sucks now . for real.
enhance just got fat buffs this week in retail
ummm … eww!
new xpac is cookin
kinda jealous they get the brd raid to be honest.
kinda salty too.
come on in the water’s fine!
T2 HD 4k 5G inc
That sucks. Thanks for sharing.
Sod pvp is just bad in general.
Even on the classes/specs that are performing well, it doesn’t feel good to play
The primary culprit was messing with class mechanics/rotations… Real vanilla balance wasn’t perfect, but it had some real give and take between classes. Sod just stomps on all of that. I’d add that modern trinket dramatically changes things for classes as well (notably rogues, who can’t stun break in regular vanilla)… But yeah since rogues where specifically brought up as a strong class right now, sod reducing their energy costs more or less removes all nuance to energy management and they just spam now… It’s dumb… Then remember how many new dots were thrown into the mix either via abilities getting added (shadow flame, void plague, living bomb) or just big class changes (every hunter wants serpent sting now so they can chimera shot)… It’s not at all uncommon to get 4-5 dots on you within seconds of leaving stealth. It’s just dumb and bad gameplay. And all of that is before acknowledging that av is 95+% of all bgs now… And that, even if wsg was reliably popping, it’s just awful to play while terrain exploits are allowed/unfixed and the average pug team being completely unable to ever cut a running non potato druid off. And that’s before acknowledging the entrapment trap dropping hunter paired with said druid, just running around machine gunning traps all over the entire universe.
looking forward to the next Xtrasecksi LiveJournal update about playing Shaman.
Youd say the same thing on a paladin.
At least you don’t have those stupid floating head dialogs that randomly pop up when you are trying to quest and end up getting you killed. Even when I opt out of it that stupid crap keeps showing up. Zero reason for some stupid talking floating head to be there when I have been playing WoW since it came out. I know exactly what is going on and why. And yea it just got me killed in WPvP 2x in a row. Very stupid setup. It randomly popped up and it covers the entire button part of your screen and goes right over where you are playing so it blocks 100% of the view of your toon and in WPvP stuff can happen in a couple of seconds so the time it takes to click out you are already almost dead. Bunch of stupid crap. Not letting me remove it and the same exact head keeps coming up when I am in a bunch of NPCs too and so it blocks my entire view of them and I try to keybind target but it wont even show what is being targeted because that stupid talking head bocks the view 100% of the time. And that worthless feature first came out for Xbox games that I saw that were made by…you guessed it…Activision. That worthless floating talking head crap has NO place in WoW. it sucks, it is terrible. It servers no purpose other than to distract and take away from the game.
That is literally an Xbox game feature for FPS games that was brought into a PC MMO game and servers ZERO purpose at all. I hate it. I hate dying to that crap. What the hell is it doing in an MMO? There’s a REASON why WoW went without it for well over a decade and did just fine. And NO way to get rid of it on one of my toons it is glitched in place to always stay there until the conversation is over. Just try to have FUN with a feature like that. It wont let me unselect that feature on one of my toons and also wont even allow me to click out of the head cuz it keeps popping up.
Why is someone who has been playing this game for almost two decades FORCED to deal with something like that against their will. Oh and just disable it you say…no. I cannot. GLITCHED to keep showing up on two of my toons. Warlock and paladin. More proof that it does not belong in the game if it is GLTICHED. I cannot even play one of my paladins because of it.
REMOVE this feature. It is terrible and WoW did fine without it. Cant put in a suggestion saying REMOVE THIS GARBAGE. No. They wont listen. This game is made by people who never even play the game they make. Like a chef who refuses to eat what they cooked because they know the meal is terrible. Not even a PC feature and not something that Blizzard created either. These floating talking heads are terrible when they glitch across your play screen and are not able to be clicked out of because they pop back up and start talking immediately. I know how to read. just let me read the quest.
This is a pve game so ofc the pvp will feel bad. But hearing a shaman ? (most broken class) complain about it is wild. You must only be auto attacking idk. Anyways that’s that. Hope you have a great day Xtrasecksi
you know you can move that right? move it over your chat bar dingus
you went from “unsubbed” to “playing and whining about TWW”
dying in WPVP? couldn’t be me homie. this fool tried me while I was leveling on my alt paladin (Lightbwithu is not my main, in retail I main a gigachad dark iron dwarf) and was put in his place. emoted /rofl and /cringe on this nerd, level 77 VS level 80 Fury warrior who was sweating for it, popped a pot, and some weird new immunity item or something? idk what it was, but he was immune.
OH YEAH and I fat fingered trinket opening on the rare spawn lmao
I already told you that I unsubbed and that I asked for a refund but that Blizzard lied and said that I could not get a refund because I had used some of my gametime which is not true. I still had gametime from my old sub to use up before the year long sub ran out.
So you go around acting as you do…but then turn around and say how you are killing people in WPvP left and right. So in other words…paladins ARE OP…when it suits your agenda to say so. But when not…it’s time to complain and troll the forums for months on end saying how you cannot play your paladin due to other classes being too OP.
And I am stuck subbed for well over the rest of the year. I just leveled up in WIntergrasp and coundlt put my new talent in. OLD version of WoW…the version with about 10x the subs…yea they actually let you add talent points during a match when you leveled. They even let you switch talent specs while in PvP or in arenas.
I always knew you were better than you were pretending to be.
you know SoD and retail paladin are entirely different right?
I don’t have seals that get purged or go oom from hardcasting a 2.5 sec heal
I think ret was at about a B tier with the bugs, but Herald got a bunch of fixes to mastery scaling that wasn’t working so it’s probably A or S now, I prefer Templar though, it’s more fun.
Fury War however is ez S tier
anyway go to “Edit Mode” and find the box that says “talking head” under “misc” options, and drag it over your chat box. because yeah the talking heads used to annoy me too but it’s an ez fix and now I really don’t mind them popping up at all, in fact I kinda dig it when it’s not getting in your way
I feel zero pity for enhance shaman in that regard.
Enhances kit in SoD is stupid. There’s no reason for Enhance to have Blessing of Freedom. There’s definitely no reason for Enhance to have a ranged stun.
The end result is that PvP only makes sense if ranged can just straight up blow you up if they can’t kite you like they’re supposed to be able to.
good news, ranged blow melee up all the time and thus the freedom is needed.
but ya have no pity, i diddnt expect it from some of you “gut shaman” lunatics anyways.