Over half a year...No fix. Blizz don't care?

I turned graphics settings down to seven and I see it much less frequently - even with a 3070 ardenweald was melting my pc on ultra graphics.

Fun while it lasted.

Do you play with Ray Tracing on?

I know it’s not the typical recommendation, but I prefer playing with it off in WoW because the difference is so minimal visually but the performance impact is potentially worse than No AA vs High AA…

… But turning it on made the flickering stop.

It’s either that or keep it off and set Shadows to ‘Low’, but honestly just keeping Ray Tracing on worked more consistently for me.

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The only fix right now, if you actually want to play games other than WoW, is to drop it down to dx11. I’m on a 2080ti and it’s unbearable since the cyberpunk drivers. Maybe nvidia can blame covid

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Keeping this on front page if I can. This needs to be fixed.

sad. two months, no fix.