Over 24 hours on the twitch drop and no feldrake

I didn’t get my feldrake from twitch drops. I already made sure my account was connected I checked everything was ok before getting it. Its been over 24 hours now(submitted my first ticket at 21 hours and it was closed with no explanation or way to reopen so I had to make another.) I think it might have bugged because I was logged in on wow when I claimed it on twitch, and it was within the really buggy first few hours of DA time frame. (The feldrake gift and or the mount itself never showed up in my mount collections to be opened.) Anyone else having this issue all my friends got it no issue?

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same here. Watched a supported streamer for 4 hours watching my progress bar achieve 100%, claimed the feldrake and nada. It’s been over 24 hours. The dragon kite from 2 weeks prior dropped in my gift box in game in less than an hour upon progress completion. I’ve not filled out a ticket yet, though

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yep same here especially with the ticket situation , opened a 2nd ticket and opened a thread myself here Missing Fel Drake Twitch Drop - #2 by Cardìbeast-stormrage

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Unfortunately, opening tickets isn’t going to resolve the issue and they’re closing tickets because there isn’t anything they can do. They’ve been pretty clear on that front.



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that’s BS because they absolutely can grant access to the mount since it’s in game already. all you should need to show is a screen shot of your twitch user name connected to your bnet name they can give it to you. just comes down to Blizz just bad when it comes to this stuff. games like ESO have no issue with the drop system.

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The GMs don’t even make that rule - they do what the Devs and Powers That Be tell them to do. Right now, it seems like there is some miscommunication for a small fraction of the population where Twitch isn’t communicating properly with Blizzard. Blizzard cannot blindly award things that Twitch isn’t authenticating. I know people have been submitting their issues to Twitch since it begins with them. But as it stands right now, Blizzard is being hands-off. That may change in time, but right now, your better bet is to submit a ticket to Twitch and ask them to somehow reauthenticate the data and resend it to Blizzard.

And just because something is in-game doesn’t mean a GM can snap their fingers and make it so.


agreed. Imma just sit back and let it work itself out for now. #firstazerothproblems, really.

If twitch is the same as it was years ago after a change, you have to actively watch the channel, AKA you cannot switch browers or just have the tab open. This was a way to battle viewbotting and whatever if I remember. I had an issue with the fel drake as well because I forgot about the above. Got it in the four hours left they hadn’t counted when I had tabs open for reference pics.

edit: I didn’t type anything in the chat. Didn’t use the !feldrake command or whatever the streamer had either. Just make sure its connected and keep the tab open.

Did you receive yours? It’s been 11 days and I haven’t received mine yet.