Outstanding Frostfire Bolt bugs

Frostfire bolt has a hilarious amount of bugs remaining as Fire spec:

  • Frostfire bolt doesn’t trigger or consume Pyrotechnics and Firefall.
  • Frostfire bolt doesn’t trigger the CDR from Unleashed Inferno, From the Ashes, and Kindling.
  • Frostfire bolt doesn’t trigger most on-hit effects (Overflowing Energy, Frostfire Infusion, Frostfire Empowerment, presumably also on-hit gear effects)
  • Frostfire Empowerment buff is removed on cast as well as on hit.
  • Frostfire Empowerment damage and crit chance effects do not work unless you have 2 stacks of the buff.

Please fix.


Adding link to my bug report as well to add visiblity: