Outlaw vs Assassination

New Rogue here looking for input from experienced players. I played Assassination briefly at the end of BFA and recently started leveling my Rogue again. I want to play a melee class in 9.1 and have leveled my Pally, DH, Warrior and am working on my Rogue. Clearly the leveling experience is different to geared toons at 60, however, having just switched from Assassination to outlaw I am finding my dps while questing to be lower and im taking alot more damage than I was before.
How is outlaw while doing dailies? in the maw? in Torghast? The data is clear that outlaw outshines Assassination in M+ but is the spec effective in the rest of the grind that is wow daily life? How do you think 9.1 will fare for Outlaw?

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There’s a lot of things to take into consideration this expansion when it comes to what spec to play. First things I’d be asking is, what Covenant do you plan on choosing? What legendary are you wanting to use?

Ultimately the play styles are very different, my advice would be to spend a week playing as Assassination, do some questing/dungeons etc then next week move onto Outlaw and do the same. After 2 weeks ask yourself “which was more fun to use?” And you’ll be able to answer that yourself without over thinking it. Don’t waste time crunching the numbers, just enjoy the game.


Thanks for the response. I understand where you are coming from but the RNG gods are generally against me. I dont anticipate getting 2 1H weapons quickly let alone 2 1H and 2 daggers. I will certainly take the approach when I have the gear. I have gotten most of my melee toons to around 200 ilvl and plan to do the same with this one before making any decisions.

Good advice here. Im trying to decide between the two specs also, at the end of the day I think if your main focus is dungeons, then its Outlaw. If you focus on raids, then assassination is the play.

Of course both can perform in both scenarios, however, one will be better than the other for its preferred content.

I do kind of wish Assassination would be a tad better in M+ as lately I try to optimize for raid encounters, but run a lot of dungeons when not in raid.

Right now one solution is just balancing both Outlaw and Assassination, Necro is good on both, just a matter of having leggos and weapons for both specs.

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Unless you are pushing top end content just pick what makes you happy. It’s a quick swap back and forth and they both benefit from haste well. Plus in 9.1 they look to both be viable in PVP so it’s really more if you want to be Jack Sparrow or Sweeney Todd.

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and thats the main issue for rogues

want to raid > sin > daggers

want to M+ > outlaw > swords

getting 2 weapons is hard enough , 4 is impossible outside pvping for days


You can use a dagger in the off hand for Outlaw if it is a high ilevel… Just need two daggers and a one hander. That will allow you to switch between the three Rogue specs.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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depends on the content you want to do, outlaw its pretty good for M+ and its alright for raiding. pvp though its garbo, it can be made to work but def not as effective as the other specs. ( i think there are changes coming next patch tho so we’ll see how that plays out.)
Outlaw damage def suffers if you get 4 bad rolls in a row or so, in those cases its pretty sad.

if you dont mind a decent bit of micromanaging and enjoy m+ id say outlaw is def the way to go for that avenue. cant speak from experience from the other forms of content