Outlaw single target DPS is so bad; especially in pvp

Instead of nerfing our damage outright, why not nerf blade flurry? 50%>40% or something. Outlaw has to ramp up its damage too and its STILL garbage after being fully ramped up


Blade Flurry doesn’t do a lot of damage and the same with mastery MG.

Outlaw is bare bones and there isn’t room to cut anymore IMO.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I know some of it certainly could be skill issue but I do have a general idea how to do Outlaw Rotation. When I nail it I push decent dps. When I dont its messy. I get so many bad Roll the bones
 Blade flurry takes off then it tanks. Crackshot windows break sometimes. Gotta move outta stuff. I step over my combo points hitting 2pt dispatches sometimes but try to aim for at least 5+. My top three skills are usually Blade Flurry, Between the Eyes, sometimes coin flip sometimes Ambush. BTEs uptime is like 80
 I cant get much overall dps but 650ish. Some bosses can push 700k some with more mechs more like 350k. I must be doing something terrifyingly wrong or Outlaw is a tough one. Thinking I might at least get solid ST dps from Sub or Assassination. I get damn discouraged when others are constantly pushing 1.1- 1.5mil dps like its childs play. I can do mechanics well. But my hands are numb af at the end of a Mythic+ or raid boss.


Outlaw is a tough one. But BtE bricking when it shouldn’t is the worst offender.


Excuse me did you say classes doing a million damage, I damn well know my rotation and after the nerf we’re about 400k from 1 million but hey that’s what they nerfs were about, keeping us equal with the other classes ;). We were over performing

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I didn’t think outlaw really had that bigger damage problem, it just has a it sucks to play problem.

And does it really have that much ramp? Like things seem to happen pretty quickly but I guess I’m not playing the roll the bones capstone?

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It’s got that much of a damage problem. I don’t know sins rotation and I bust more damage on a boss than I’ve ever done as outlaw.

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Doing your outlaw rogues first bg blitz is the most dispiriting feeling. Don’t look at your dmg after or you’ll never play them again.


Yeah damage is not there, crackshot is a distasteful talent, we should get a rework


When I was at the top of the meters on Bloodbound Horror as Outlaw, a fight where I can have virtually 100% uptime while everyone else gets disrupted and has to move away. My group I raid with said “Oh I thought Outlaw was a trash spec?” since I’m pretty verbal about my dislike of the current iteration.

All it took was me filling every global to be ahead of classes/specs that perform great in every other circumstance.

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All it takes is one CC and Outlaw’s ‘burst’ is completely shut down.

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