Outlaw rogue = worthless mediocre

Just make a conditional macro.

I was gonna give a response for each of your points but you honestly complain too much for someone that cant even post on their rogue.

Conditional macros don’t work with procs. Ambush procs available from Audacity isn’t considered a ‘form’, a ‘bonus bar’, a ‘stealth’, or a ‘castsequence’ enabled macro. Putting both in one button forces Ambush to try and cast with priority, but cannot. Putting Sinister first will never trigger Ambush.

Thanks for… whatever your response was.


This, is such a hard hitting reality.
My rogue gets out dpsd by my warrior pretty much.
Outlaw’s damage is laughable, every time you’re supposed to see hits for 100k you see 20~30k finishers which is DISGUSTING.

Gear does nothing to this spec it seems like.
While it having one of the most fast paced and complicated rotations in the game.

Effort/reward doesn’t pay off.


They do. Press 1 and use SS. Press alt+1 and use Ambush.

I know I was surprised my warrior with 392 weapons sims higher than my outlaw I’ve been playing all season. You’re right about gear not having much impact mast/haste are worthless on outlaw yet warrior gets benefit from all secondary stats.

It got even more complicated after the fth nerf. While I’ve gotten off 5 gcds as fury I’ve gotten off maybe 3 or 4 with outlaw due to it losing all its flow outside of broadside.

That’s not a conditional macro, and does not alleviate the problem of unnecessary button bloat - considering it still requires the keybind… which is the button that is being bloated.

Are you okay?


Instead of using 2 completely different keys youre getting multiple funtions out of the same keys. I have half my abilities bound using alt/ctrl/whatever. Its still a condition. It saves keyboard space. You can end up using 6 buttons total instead of 12. Its a solution.

Simply changing SS to Ambush is not a solution. There are times you want to use one and not the other

Those are actually explicitly marked as not conditional macros. They’re considered “mod” macros - because you’re modifying the action bar slot to have multiple keybinds to it. You’re not reducing the over all number of buttons pressed, you’re reducing the number of buttons visible. Button bloat is not excess buttons on hotbar, it’s excess buttons involved in combat.

It’s not “the same key” - it’s two completely different key binds. Being 1, and Shift 1 - in your example. That’s two keybinds, articulated by a modifier line. That’s why the qualifier is [mod:(button)]. It is, however, explicitly, two key binds. Not one. I could have any other ability modified to shift 1 - per your example - and would have to have a tertiary keybind.

Conditional, which you specified, are mods such as [stealth, exists], target=, @focus, combat, noharm, etc.

What you’re referencing (2 button outputs, 1 button press) is against WoW’s API and is considered botting - as it automates two actions - since [stance:1] doesn’t work as a conditional for procs.

I understand you came in trying to sound smart/witty with a “I know everything” quip, and a ever-so-smart zinger about me “complaining”… but you don’t seem to know anything about… much of anything.


And yet at the end of the day im not the one complaining about button capacity when there are quite a few adequate solutions for it.

Your… every single post… does not reduce total buttons used. It reduces visual buttons, but the number of buttons to be pressed remains unchanged. That’s what button bloat is. It’s not called “hotbar buttons I can see bloat”.

At the end of the day, your “suggestion” and “solution” solves nothing, and doesn’t address the inherent problem.


If you have 12 spells to use adding the mod can bring it from 12 buttons pressed to only 7. That is less buttons

What? You still have to press the alternative modifier. That key still has to be compressed. If you have 12 spells, and 6 of them are bound to alt-mod casts, you are actually having to press more buttons per rotation due to having to press the modifier key and the cast button.

You have gone from 12 total button presses, to 6 + (6 x 2) - 18 total key strokes. Even if I were to jam my fingers in my ears and pretend that math didn’t exist - and that you only had to press the modifier once… That’s still 6 + (6 + 1) - 13 key strokes.

Alt mods (note: NOT conditional mods, as you initially said) - do not reduce anything but visible hotbar buttons. You still have to press the keyS - plural - to activate them.

At first I knew you didn’t know how Rogue worked. Then I realized you didn’t know how macros work. Now I’m beginning to think you can’t count to 20.


This literally is the math except youre unnecessarily counting the same buttons twice.

no class should have to add shift or alt to a key stroke for their rotation. That’s what button bloat is.

also, Audacity is definitely one of the more poorly thought out abilities ever given to rogues.


Its no different than adding 9 to your rotation. You use Alt instead of 9 because the average person doesnt have freak sized hands that span across their keyboard.

I disagree. Audacity (and Blindside) are both extremely satisfying to use if you arent afraid to use a Mod (not conditional). Yall are really just afraid of any change whatsoever and this is what i mean when i say you prevent rogues from having good things.

If you cant see how 9 and alt+9 are two different key strokes, then you are being obtuse for the sake of being obtuse.


Its not. I use alt for half the abilities. It lets me play the main parts of my rotation (excluding vanish and 2 min cds) with 1 hand. Just cause im using one button for multiple abilities does not change the fact that im pressing less buttons overall.

Ummm if you are hitting Alt before you hit those other abilities, you are actually adding keystrokes because instead of just reaching over and hitting a key, you now have to hit the Alt key first, essentially doubling the number of keystrokes to use that ability.


/rolls eyes. dude, you are actually pressing more buttons.

but that’s besides the point. Outlaw is a bloated mess that has no clear direction.
Its proc based, cooldown based, stealth based, priority based, modifier/maintenance based. As i said before, the only thing it isn’t, is dot based. It’s almost like playing 2 or 3 specs at once.
It’s like someone who never played outlaw got their hands on it and just threw everything they could get away with at it and then didnt even bother to test it for themselves because they actually play sub or sin.


Can’t agree more, I love outlaw and been playing it for years but this expansion it’s just too much effort to do mediocre dps. Waiting on the state of ret paladins on ptr to see if i gear one up.