Outlaw Rogue Breaking Character Stealth

I’m sure many people have heard about rogues stealth breaking randomly, and non-rogues complaining saying rogues are just bad and its not a bug. But my friend and I have noticed something in common often when this happens. An outlaw rogue is nearby. Who plays outlaw in pvp? Good question, but people are doing it and they are breaking our stealth.

I’ve played epic bgs, normal bgs, world pvp. I’ll just be standing there and then my stealth fades away. I’m not in combat (yet). I’m not pressing my keyboard. My friend specced into outlaw and stood maybe 15-20 yards away from me and stood still. I dueled her and walked into a specific range over and over again and it forced me out of stealth as soon as I hit a specific area. I recorded the interaction with OBS and uploaded it to google drive. Sorry for the poor quality :frowning: : Outlaw Rogue unstealthing me

As far as I know, there’s nothing specific about outlaw that can even cause this bug, but it’s happening and it’s because they are outlaw. There may be other classes with not common specs doing the same thing (maybe fury warrior or survival hunter or something else nobody plays in pvp). I have only done the testing with outlaw rogue specifically.

I am an assassination rogue, venthyr. We also were pulling a sub venthyr rogue out of combat in maldraxxus to test this out. We whispered him on alliance toons and he confirmed he was being unstealthed without doing it himself.

Please don’t call me crazy, go test it yourself. Duel an outlaw rogue, set markers down 15-20 yards apart, walk back in forth into the “aura” of an outlaw rogue. The outlaw rogue can be unstealthed or stealthed, it doesn’t matter. I don’t believe it requires specific talents or pvp talents. We originally thought it might interact with Honor Among Thieves but my friend changed that talent and it was still doing it. Outlaw talents used were: 2-1-1-2-1-2-2. PVP talents were control is king, cheap tricks and smoke bomb.


Glad I found this…thought I was going crazy thinking outlaw rogues had some god tier ability for breaking other rogue’s stealth because i did an rbg vs an outlaw rogue who kept coming to my base and every time they showed up at my base it broke my stealth instantly like in the video…allowing them to freely cc me and get the base. Definitely a bug that needs to be fixed especially if people realize the pistol shot legendary is sleeper op and it becomes more popular.

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Happens to me all the time on Necrolords druid when a rogue is near by. Noticed it constantly in Maldraxxis world pvp. Could not verify that rogue was outlaw or not.

I logged on my rogue and specced outlaw and its definitely an outlaw bug. I wasn’t 100% able to determine if its a specific talent or combination of talents. The pvp talents used were: Take your cut, Control is king, Cheap tricks.

Just ran into this again today, how has this not been fixed yet?

Bumping this thread as well, this just drove me insane during a BG and the common denominator was an outlaw rogue being near me. I thought I was going crazy

can confirm this is still happening, it is game breaking and an annoying as hell exploit PLEASE FIX

How isn’t this fixed yet… This is game breaking in RBGs alone…

Got owned by an outlaw rogue last night in 1900CR rated BG’s with this exploit. Capped on us with every class we had, stealthed or un-stealthed. What was also interesting was the distance from which he was able to start capping. As an experienced base sitter, I sit quite a ways away from the flag. There is no natural way he could have found me while in stealth, sapped me, and then started to cap in one quick series. Something is definetly up.

Its been over a month and this hasn’t been fixed yet?? Been experiencing this more often recently

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This is still in the game, fix this sh1t. Actually unreal.

still happening and being widely abused in 2.2cr RBGS

This should be given appropriate triage and patch fixing given the impact to rated BGs. This is completely broken and widely abused to significantly impact rated BG gameplay.

Please fix this Blizzard.

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Can confirm this still happens, was unstealthed by one about 5 or 6 times in a single random BG

Yeah I kind of stopped playing the game for awhile because I play rogue and druid as mains in pvp and when I returned to do RBGs, I noticed a lot more people playing outlaw rogue in RBG now. I think they purposely are playing it due to this bug. I’m sad, because I feel that my post has brought more awareness to a game breaking bug and people are abusing it while blizzard ignores it.

Yeah I just report the players that are clearly intentionally exploiting it, it’s not like it happens once in a great while when I see a outlaw rogue, they’re intentionally ground sweeping for the bug to sweep someone out and immediately pounce on them, if blizzard doesn’t want to fix a known exploit, I’ll start filling out report for exploiters.

I just found out this, when I play my outlaw rogue, I would lose stealth for no reason. I had a crafted cape, Voice of the silent star, and had an enchant Graceful Avoidance. When I removed that cloak, I no longer come unsheathed. Don’t ask me why but it solved my issue.