Outlaw Rogue Audacity

Audacity procs make Ambush usable while not in stealth. I macro my sinister strike to be ambush when in stealth.

I think I already know I’m SOL, but, is there any way to make my sinister strike show ambush during audacity procs? I’m nearly 100% this is not allowed, but I’m out of keybinds and to be able to have an ambush keybind that’s unusable 90% of the time just for these procs means pushing something important to an alt keybind where I can’t see it’s cooldown status.

Try [form] instead of [stealth] works with Shadow Dance

Thanks. I will try that. I suppose it would be “[form] Audacity” if I’m going to try it?

Thank you for the suggestion. It was worth a shot, but unfortunately, that didn’t work.


/cast [form] Ambush; Sinister Strike

Just tried this, it doesn’t work.

I could be wrong but if you put

“/cast ambush
/cast sinister strike”

It will try to cast them both at the same time. Since ambush isn’t usable outside of specific situations if ambush is cast-able it will not cast ss and if you can’t cast ambush it will cast SS. You will get the “I can’t cast that yet” error but there is a script work around to that.

They’re both on the GCD so Ambush would block SS even if you can’t cast it.

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i guess its as simple as having a dedicated ambush button thats not on the stealth bar but my ambush has always been on the stealth bar so it feels bad moving it lol. the same button out of stealth is a different ability which im also used to have there…

not fun breaking a multiple years long habit just for one talent heh. id just skip the talent but its too good to pass on really. guess ill have to get used to it somehow.


i would go as far as using a different build just to dodge that problem but its clear that they balance based on that build by now… cant really do something else without being severely gimped.


Yeah, it’s really unfortunate that it doesn’t work with [form], hopefully they’ll fix it in a future patch.


this doesnt work, tried it on a training dummy, refused to use SS

I don’t know when this changed, but this works with Audacity now (presumably because base Sinister Strike auto-changes as well).

Dropping it here for the benefit of future google searches.


In 10.2 they changed Sinister Strike to become Ambush for Audacity procs