Outlaw or Sin?

Hiya friends, Making headway in learning rogue and doing the best I can. In your opinion do y’all like sin or outlaw better for Raiding?

  • Drall

Hi! The short and quick answer is whichever one you enjoy the most.

The reason I say this is when your able to grove with the gameplay and it’s automatic to you, you can focus on the mechanics of the fight your in.

Both outlaw and Sin do well in most content. The tier lists out on the web usually are focused at the higher end activities and may not be what your targeting.

General if you’re a master of your spec, you’ll be able to highly contribute. So, take the time to figure out what feels more natural to you, master it and then perhaps learn the other specs to keep yourself entertained and prepared for tuning.


Sin is more forgiving
outlaw is very fast paced, you need to have uptime and when you don’t, it hurts


No exaggeration Sin is probably 100x easier than Outlaw and it’s just better in every single situation in PVE content.


Sin is just going to to be infinitely easier to learn.

To parrot what Bonezz said, I’m pretty sure the only two specs in the game that even come remotely close to how ridiculous Outlaw is to execute are Fire Mage and Enhance Sham. Neither of those require even half as much brain power for me to understand, and I’ve learned both in under a week in previous expansions. Outlaw has been a constant learning experience for over 5 years now.

Neither Enhance or Fire have weird upkeep buffs, and both are just proc based rotations with cooldowns you have to time. Enhance flows almost cyclically when done properly, and Fire just has quick auto casts that you need to know how to properly use to keep the rotation flowing.

Neither of them require you to 4D chess your way around knowing which of 5 buttons need hit every 0.8 seconds entirely dependent on combo points and cooldown windows. And neither have anywhere near as many off-GCD interactions per fight as Outlaw does.


Outlaw. Sins is for weebs. If you’re familiar with real ultimate power, pirates are the obvious answer.

This is just factually wrong for M+ as well. Outlaw is historically better for M+, but raids typically don’t reward uptime specs and prefer more bursty damage profiles.


This. Outlaw is the way

And to add to the easing your time playing, use the addon Hekeli, or how it’s spelt.

Turns outlaw into a guitar hero simulator. Some people lift their nose at it, but I pump and you don’t have to always follow it.

Good luck on your future outlaw rogue (:


assassin is the way to go outlaw still has bugs with it and heavily reliant on having vanish
plus when playing outlaw rn ill have two stacks of vanish up and use vanish then have no 2nd vanish up


Good thing the OP is asking about the current state of the game and not years ago so yes, my statement is still true. I’ve mained Outlaw for over 6 years now and would never recommend it to somebody just picking Rogue up for the first time. You can learn Assassination in 30 minutes, you could play Outlaw for 3 months and still gray parse because of the amount of hard requirements, playing around bugs that will never be fixed and the min maxing the spec has to do to compete with basically any other spec in the game.


I wonder why Subtlety is non-existent in M+…weird. The original question was in regards to raiding, but you said all aspects of PvE, which is patently false. :man_shrugging:t2:

I just played Outlaw on an alt for funsies to level as my third toon this expac. Omfg, even with Hekili rotation helper it was even faster than Fury. Jesus Christ it’s quick. I use a Razor Naga and kept finding I had to hold my trigger finger each 1sec JUST incase a new proc replaced the next proc in line. Good god it’s ADHD friendly but there’s no way i’d take Outlaw into a M+ key without more time and practice under my belt.

There is literally no ‘muscle memory’ you have to be on ALL the time LOL.


Outlaw is horribly convoluted. Just go Sin.


Really love outlaw, but sin is just much easier this time around. But rogue has been fun!

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There’s a certain amount you can build up as reactions to stuff over time, but initial learning is very difficult for sure.

I run Hekili just to not think so hard but I’m still setting up lineups in my head 4-6 inputs down the line as I’m playing. And that’s with some custom tweaks to Hekili’s priority list. You just can’t rely on an addon to understand situational nuances, and the Outlaw rotation for Hekili is functional but often needs to be ignored.


Sub game play is hard to execute like Outlaw which is why Sub tends to be more of a niche raiding spec. M+ favors simplicity over complexity in most cases.

Outlaw was a M+ superstar despite its complexity in BFA but since then the spec has become even more complex and it has bogged down the spec.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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outlaw is so good it has the 3rd least amount of logs on wcl

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Weird, because my comment was in regards to M+ where Outlaw seems to dwarf Subtelty as far as participation and results…

But they’re both abysmally low to begin with.

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Sin is just so much easier for raid and m+ right now! But thanks for all the replies everyone. :slight_smile:


Always find it crazy how people not even posting on their Rogues will be hard challenging info given by those with easily proven experience.

Its not. Its once again just significantly harder than Sin to make work. Yes its a bit undertuned, but you can make up for it just by playing well.

Sin is better for every sector of PvE content overall. Doesnt mean I wont outplay the significant majority of rogues currently doing content by playing Sub.