Current outlaw mastery looks boring and weak, I got cool idea for new one:
Mastery: Master Tricks
When rogue is in front of enemy target, Pistol Shot’s and Between the Eye’s damage increase by 20% + mastery points.
When rogue is behind the enemy target or from the side of it, Sinister Strike’s, Ambus’s and Dispatch’s damage increase by 10% + mastery points.
Additional your main-hand attacks have a 30% chance to trigger an attack with your off-hand that deals (X% of Attack power) Physical damage + mastery points in any position to enemy target.
if reworking outlaw mastery, then I say go for either
armor penetration
builder damage / chance to hit twice
finisher damage / chance to hit twice
or keep as is but buff the chance 5% and the damage 20%
The ideas are welcome and appreciated, but they have dropped reworking our mastery now the last 3 times we’ve been looked at for it being fixed. Start of DF, mid DF rework, and start of the expansion.
They had changes to it for an attempt to re-tune it going into the current expansion, and for some reason entirely reverted only the mastery changes when we got the aura buff to shut us up going into the launch. Our scaling was shot down to DF levels of damage values when they did this.
Odds are, we won’t be seeing a change to it any time soon. It’s about the same importance as reworking Killing Spree to not suck. Mentioned a number of times, acknowledged as an issue, also stated to be lowest priorities.
I thought it was cute Ret got a new part on their mastery while Outlaw has got to have the worst mastery in the game. Even adding scaling % chance to proc would make the stat not dead it doesn’t need to be interesting to just be better than it is.
lazy? that’s just plain silly. positional requirements on a class that barely anyone plays anymore, on a spec that is extremely hit or miss, on top of the RNG functionality. please name another class or spec that has positional requirements at all. backstab used to quite literally need to be used behind a target. and then that was changed much later. why do you want to introduce a very old concept just to make a spec “fun”, if you want positional requirements go play FFXIV.
Look, it’d make sense and be nice if any other spec had positional requirements but they don’t, so making Outlaw suffer more just for flavor is a bit silly.
No. Because then you have to balance the spec’s throughput around actually using the positionals, and it hurts anyone who doesn’t want to deal with this bs and WILL make people reroll, not play the spec or never bother with Rogue in the first place. Not to mention it’d be the only spec in the game with positional requriements in years.
Positionals were removed for a reason - bosses have mechanics now and you can’t just flop around them to make sure you’re flanking or behind or in front of the target. Punishing Outlaw by reintroducing them when Rogues are already underplayed and struggling with outdated systems is just not okay.
It means that playing a boss fight or a trash pull safe which is not risking a frontal puts you at a disadvantage because the spec WILL be tuned around using the positionals much like Windwalker is tuned around actually not pressing the same button twice.
And placing that on a spec which already gets horribly rekt by uptime is an actual direct nerf to the spec, at perfect 100% gameplay levels and basic average joe levels.
Outlaw mastery is boring and lame but adding positionals in is just not the answer.
Then the positional requirement is unnecessary because everyone will want it gone day 1 so it also works on M+ trash.
Not to mention nobody sane would trust Blizzard to make it work correctly.
I dunno why youre being so antagonistic. You were cool to talk to before but oh well. I got time.
you listed 3 things for a new mastery, already bloating it. Thats dumb. Keep it simple.
The first 2 pieces not only have positional requirements, the requirements will literally have you wanting to zip through the mobs hitbox multiple times per minute just to get ideal damage. Have fun getting to the top of the meters on Bloodbound. Once again, dumb.
You kept the current mastery as part of this one. At best the entire mastery would be dead. At worst youd be moving nonstop just to boost your damage by the minimal ammount tuning will adjust it to.
I just said it was a cool idea. If it was what you were describing, he phrased it better, but its not.
Pft…I’m enjoying my fantasy of possibly maybe striking with my off -hand and getting some energy when it happens. It’s peak Outlaw gameplay that gives us more RNG.