Outlaw is in a terrible state

  • Dispatch is by far the weakest spender in the game. Ambush deals more damage, making Dispatch feel dull and unimpactful.
  • RNG-based mechanics feel awful. It’s frustrating to hit Sinister Strike once and barely generate combo points, especially when even healers can outdamage you during that window.
  • Using Vanish as an offensive cooldown is terrible and not enjoyable. That should be a Subtlety feature, not Outlaw.
  • Fatebound is the most boring Hero Talent in the game—just another version of Roll the Bones with no real excitement.

I think outlaw needs total redesign. How would you improve the spec? Here some ideas

  • Make dispach to hit at least 30% harder
  • Make blade rush viable to pick up. This is an interesing ability but it does crap damage.
  • Make killing spree interact more with our abilities, like for example: Makes your next 5 sinister strike or ambush hit twice after it’s used
  • Get rid of crackshot mechanic. Its awful and not fun to use. Instead, replace it with a talent like “Reduce the cooldown of BTE and makes the crit damage hit 6 times harder instead of 4.”

I certainly wouldn’t object to this, but keep in mind that a good chunk of Dispach’s value is in the CRD; the whole pace of the spec being determined by how fast you can spend

I enjoy Crackshot window because they change up the rotation for a time, but they DO add extra cognitive load, which is really high as Outlaw. It’s much easier to just play Sub and be able to pay attention to mechanics better while not losing out on much damage so long as you get your CDs aligned.

If Crackshot is gone, maybe, but with all of the spinning plates there currently, the rotation doesn’t need to get more cramped.

Dispatch being a weak spender is okay if they buff Sinister Strike to compete with Ambush. Dispatch is about CDR so your heavy hitter finisher is BTE. Which leads to the next point that Sinister Strike damager is lowered, because it has been balanced around MG procs which is an old design paradigm from Cataclysm expansion. Best solution is to up the damage of Sinister Strike and MG.

Anyways, the problem is non Crackshot builds have no way to leverage BTE more frequently.

Vanish has always been used as an offensive CD in PVE and PVP for experienced Rogues. So I do agree it is not everyone’s cup of tea. Which is why Crackshot is fun but it should not be the only viable build. KIR is okay but it still doesn’t fill the gap.

Fatebound is definitely bad. Trickster isn’t far behind but Trickster actually you can work around some of the issues. Fatebound has too much RNG and no visual cues to help you out which is even worse than RTB. RTB is hard to manage without addons and Fatebound is way worse in that regard.

Blade Rush is fun to use and it was viable when it was first introduced. It is a shame it wasn’t buffed to keep up with the rest of the game and the talent tree change over. Long overdue buff for Blade Rush indeed!

Kspree interaction with haste I think is kind of a failure. I feel the same way with haste stacking and AR. So, I agree that Kspree should do more which is what Trickster provides to an extent but it should be baseline for the spec IMO.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I am a little bit lost. What you mean with CDR, MG and KIR?

Cooldown Reduction. The Outlaw passive Restless Blades takes a second per combo point off of the remaining CD of a bunch of abilities

Main Gauche. Outlaw’s mastery that triggers an offhand strike

Keep it Rolling. Capstone talent in the middle that extends all active Roll the Bones buffs