Before i start this i understand it is bfa and legion artifacts are no more but as many of you that have it know that you need AK level 6 to obtain the bindings from the dungeons well i played sin and sub in legion but never put time into outlaw i got the The Dreadblades in legion but never put any points into it so know with ak level in legion gone because of the sword in silithus you cant get ak anymore or work this the artifacts i need to know since i didnt put any points into outlaw did i technically not get ak level 6 in the dread blades to obtain the bindings. i have ran lair and vault about 50 times each and havent had them drop than my friend joins me and he gets both in 1 run of each. sp since i didnt get ak level 6 in my dread blades am i not eligible for the hidden skin.
You don’t need a specific AK now, just go spam the dungeons and pray to RNG
I just got this the other day on my rogue. I’d recommend running on heroic on each dungeon, then spam the normal dungeons looking for those two bindings. Heroic never worked for me, however, and got them to drop on normal after 2-4 resets on normal. Good Luck.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I was using BFA weapons when the bindings dropped.