Outlaw hidden appearance

Yes, I’m late to the party. I get that! I began doing the quests for my hidden Outlaw appearance, but I am currently stuck. I checked Wowhead, I flew all over Stormheim looking for quests that they recommended. I’m just unable to find how to get this appearance quest chain started.

It’s not started with a quest… you farm for the drops first. Once you have both you can turn them in.

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Just finished this yesterday. My rogue didn’t do much zone content in legion so I had to do quests up to about chapter 4 in stormheim before I could go talk to the dragon. You need the two bindings and 10 brimstone then go to the top of a mountain and talk to the blue dragon and pick to the second option to make a deal with the wind lord.

Glad i did this last xpack and unlocked all the colors

Old BC rogue here that just came back for BFA. Can someone explain what you guys are talking about? It sounds interesting…

During Legion, all artifacts had a hidden appearance which could be purchased/found/unlocked in various ways.

Outlaw rogues had the distinct pleasure of having pretty much the best hidden appearance of all 36 (IMO - but dual Thunderfury-look alikes speak for themselves)

It required having your Artifact Knowledge up to a certain point and finding two bindings (reminiscent of the original TF quest?) that dropped with varying drop rates from two Legion dungeons.

The drop rates were crummy enough that rogues orchestrated rogue only stealth runs on Normal difficulty for the bindings.

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I ran Vault of the Wardens (killed Ash’Golm) three times, as well as Neltharion’s Lair (killed Dargrul) just once. Apparently the drop rate on the bindings has gone WAY up since the early days of Legion.

FYI for those trying BEFORE level 110; can’t be done. Because of the AK req. you have to reach level 110 to unlock the AK.

IMO the appearance isn’t really great, especially if you’re belf. They sheath on your back and they’re way too big and look rather silly.

I like em, goes with my current mog. I’m glad they are on the back though, way to big to have on your side.