Outlaw getting some love

Maybe a hug? I don’t know. I don’t do Outlaw. But it’s something.

Class Tuning Incoming – August 8 - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


Always nice to see a buff, but it doesnt change what is actually wrong with Outlaw.


Can you explain what is actually wrong with Outlaw? I just started picking my rogue up again and was just playing sub but outlaw has me curious.

IMO, it’s a convoluted mess with no real flow or direction and its trying to be too many things at once.

cooldown spec
Proc spec
maintenance spec
modifier spec
stealth spec

the only thing its not is a dot spec.

It’s an extremely high APM/KPM with little payoff.
Too many abilities are still on the GCD for no good reason. Blade Flurry for example. and its still target capped.

for PvE, to put it plainly, it’s a bloated mess with a ton of things to track, too many keybinds, and a very high ramp up.
for PvP, well its got no burst (killing spree is garbo). and the ramp up time doesnt do it any favors.

If you like spinning plates while playing piano. go for it. some people like that kinda thing, but the pay off just isnt worth it.
I played Outlaw from Legion till the start of DF. It is currently the least fun ive ever had as a rogue so im sticking with Sub, which im not great at, but Sub is still a fun spec to play.


It’s like watching your twin brother get a Lambo while you get a pat on the head.


Wait for 10.2 ptr , sometime after sept 5th (the announcement patch for 10.1.7)

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actions per minute is insanely high. too high for the bottom of the board damage. takes too long to build up to sustain damage and its max sustain damage is still middle of round after all the time it takes to get there. its a honda fit. slow off the lines and takes a long time to get up to speed and its max is not very high. warlock or spriest is a ferrari, fast of the line, hits max fast and sustains.

and has zero utility other than DPS, which is at the bottom of the charts.


This may sound odd but honestly I wouldn’t mind if the majority of stealth gimmicks was removed for Outlaw. I dislike any reliance on them. It’s suppose to be a combat fighter spec.

Stealth can stay as a side utility ability, but if we could just make Shadowdance not universal…and maybe Ambush not become “active” from audacity (seriously this needs to be reworked).


sadly how underpowered the spec is, the only way to get dps is use everyway possible to spam ambush.


I know I’m in the minority here but I honestly like outlaw’s core of randomness induced by Roll the Bones + Sinister Strike. Other than that I’m full onboard with all the criticism towards the gimmicks to make the spec “””work””” such as ambush spam, shadow dance, cold blood.

I don’t really mind blade flurry being the way it is and being on the GCD but outlaw’s aoe formula is killing its single target. Right now if you take all BF related talents you cleave 8 targets for ~50% of your ST damage. That means going from 1 to 9 targets increases your damage by roughly ~400% (with a minor decrease due to the global spent on BF being below average dps). Thus, any ST dps increase is applied five fold to our aoe. Currently our ST is way below average and, despite that, our AoE is massive. I’m not sure how they can fix it without scrapping the whole kit entirely and I genuinely enjoy the play style, but as it stands balancing our ST with our aoe so tightly tied to it is an incredibly hard and complex task.

If I could decide a direction to go, though, i would definitely drop all the shadow dance/ambush shenanigans and focus heavily on 4x multiplier crit on between the eyes and a massive damage button (Killing Spree, for example) on restless blades to feel like your rotation and cd reduction is leading to a rewarding press.

Look I havn’t really played WoW since… well maybe WoD? Panda? I sporadically come back to see what’s up but the sub fee is what keeps me from continuing these days.


Although I havn’t played much, this spec suffers from GCD, buff management, low damage output, and the only real fun i get from it is fan the hammer talent.

I’ve been playing a suboptimal resounding clarity and Keep it rolling, build since the expansion started. I absolutely loathe the idea of ambush spam for outlaw so I won’t play the HO build/shadow dance. Feels like something that should of stayed with sub.

It’s not the best spec for raiding, but it does pretty good in mythic plus.

I do miss the days when our APM was lower and the rotation was a bit simpler and less clunky.


At this rate, I wouldn’t mind outlaw remaining at the bottom if it meant Mut getting a moment to shine.

Im just tired of sub being the go-to.

So, I just picked my rogue back up after a very long hiatus. I have a sneaking suspicion that outlaw will get a really nice rework and be meta probably. But as it is currently, it does NOT deal enough damage for the work put into it.

At my ilvl my ambushes and dispatches are still only hiting for around 35 to 50k a hit. And that is not threatening at all. I mean they’re only critting for 45k ambushes and 65k dispatches. That’s extremely weak. Blizz needs to give them a massive 10% buff or higher across the board.

They need to buff up sinister strike’s damage way up there. It’s tickling for 10k on average a hit (that’s including crits). Not to mention our tier this time is really awful designed. They need to up the damage on our 2pc by at least 100% or more. And increase the agility granted for the 4pc to at least 10% to make it worthwhile.

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As much as I’d love to be optimistic with you about the spec I’ve enjoyed for the past 5 years unless they uncap blade flurry again which they will never do it’s simply always going to be worse than Sub unless they just completely gut Sub.

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I don’t think anyone who’s played the game for a lengthy amount of time actually believes something like this. Whoever the top dogs are changes, expansion to expansion. Often enough, it changes per patch. The vast majority of us don’t even play at a level where it matters.

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A suggestion I’d have is maybe:

Replace Dispatch with Between the Eyes, and just provide the rogue with a flat crit % boost for x seconds depending on combo points spent instead of on that specific target. Would be more versatile during trash pulls and PvP for switches

Add a talent that uses pistol shot after using any combo finisher

Roll the bones off GCD

Getting rid of Ambush with Audacity talent and just boost the damage and combo point generation of Sinister Strike by double

I don’t mind the pistol based theme of the spec. I do think it needs a revamp, but it has potential to be a sort of melee / ranged hybrid similar to Survival hunter I guess?

Not gonna lie. I always wanted outlaw to become a tank. Imagine the possibilities.

I’m not really for or against shifting Outlaw to something else - tanking and Ranged DPS can both fit the fantasy, and having some variety to Rogue over just being 3 Melee DPS would be nice.

Making it a functional Melee DPS would also be nice.

I think modernizing Between the Eyes to be a buff on the rogue instead of a debuff would go quite far. I can’t think of a justifiable reason to leave it as a debuff.

It, more or less, accomplishes this already. I find myself dipping out of puddles or damage zones with the intent to fire off charges of Fan the Hammer and mitigate downtime. That being said, I think they need to improve the proc rate of opportunity, because sometimes you’re left high and dry. It’s all too often I go upward of ten Sinister Strikes without a single proc.