Outlaw Current State

I have never posted a forum or even responded to 1 before. I usually just read and tend to agree or disagree outside the forums. I would like to say I love rogue; 6 years ago. I would like to believe the rogue dev actually plays the game, but based off my Outlaw experience, they do not. There is no way in a mythic + experience. M+ Outlaw needs a hard reset. Like from scratch. There are 2 viable build. KiR does like 25% more overall dmg but if your tank does not chain you do less damage than the tank. If you play HO you are 100% reliant on rng. not even a little. 100% reliance on dice rolls. Not viable in any sense at all. Rogue devs need to be replaced or i really hope, from what i have heard, a full rogue revamp coming since nothing works in ptr. I would suggest Fixing aoe cap or dont make dps rng. 1 or the other. Otherwise its fully handicap by rng and tank pulling. thank you for reading and hopefully receive some kind of good news when it comes to OL in 11.1. Pugging is horrendous: stop receiving advice from premades. Listen to the other 99%


Honestly, lack of graphic makes skills feel disconnected.

If when double pistol proc, the pistol on my character glow, that makes more sense, so does ambush, and RtB buffs.

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Yeah visuals are cool and everthing. Makes a class more intuitive. But there is nothing intuitive about outlaw. Hasn’t been in years so not sure why you would bring that up tbh.

Ravenhold discord says reroll sin to do damage. Bad development and 0 class support seems to be the case. Has been since shadowlands when it comes to rogue.


Whatever the hell Outlaw is supposed to be now we are seeing it in its late stages spiral into the abyss.

Even PVP Outlaw in patch 11.1 is going to be GG because without two PVP Outlaw talents crackshot builds are not going to work that well in PVP anymore.

I would not be surprised if Outlaw is discarded and Combat is brought back.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Outlaw is fine without the PvP talents currently, as the passive haste from gear makes up for it. So far, everything looks good for Outlaw based on my testing. KIR seems to be a dead talent. The new changes have such high uptime on multiple rolls that KIR may just be obsolete. I think the new changes actually lower the skill cap of the class and make it easier to play, which I’m not a fan of, but it will bring more players to the class. These changes make it easier to manage resources, given the very high uptime on multiple rolls without KIR. If I’m not mistaken, the tier set bonus can actually buff the damage of Coupe de Grace and Death From Above. You can have some fun setups using Coupe de Grace prior to a Death From Above, then roll the bones to supercharge it, on top of timing your stacks of the tier set bonus, which will let you land a juicy Death From Above. I truly don’t understand the complaints about Outlaw Rogue as it stands currently. It’s the most engaging class in the game. On the other hand, Combat Rogue was probably the most boring spec I’ve ever played. At this point, not to be rude, but I think the people who complain about the class/spec don’t have a grasp on it rotationally. Pro tip: stop focusing on the “perfect roll” to do damage—just go through your rotation, and you’ll make your own luck. Also, note: I don’t PVE. This comes from a PvP perspective. Thank you for coming to my TED talk and rant!

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The problem with this current version of Outlaw is that it is too much like Sub which is why Sub and Assassination will be more popular in PVP.

Combat was very different from Sub which is why there was differences in PVP. Now it is too similar which is why Sub has the upper hand over Outlaw when it comes to what matters most which is stealth/vanish windows.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I know I’m in the minority with my reply here but:

I transitioned from Fury and Prot Warrior this Season and, after 17 years of maining Warrior no matter how gimped the season. Last time I mained rogue was TBC Classic.

I absolutely LOVE Outlaw and am saddened I didn’t get into it sooner. I should have been playing this years ago.

I’ve only been playing this now for a little under 6 weeks and while I can see what all the complaining is about (Eg, grappling hook still bugged and constantly running with x2-3 KiR buffs) I am kicking more PvE @$$ in the last 4 weeks than I did with Fury all season (Warrior is 628 i-level and has ascension breaker).

With the increased KIR buffs coming next season I hope just changes. Sorry.


Combat was horrible. Beyond slow and clunky.


Combat was fast paced which is why the core of Outlaw copies Combat and Sub.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Wow, your the first Rogue I ever heard say that…