Outlaw balance in 3 weeks

Sept 18th:

All ability damage reduced by 4%.
Melee auto attack damage reduced by 8%.
Dispatch damage reduced by 10%.

Oct 8th:

All ability damage increased by 4%.
Dispatch damage increased by 6%.
Precise Cuts bonus to Blade Flurry damage per missing target increased to 4% (was 2%).

I love the feeling I get knowing I paid $50 for such a highly polished product and continue to pay $15/month for such well informed design decisions like the above. Keep up the good work!


I love the “Here’s a buff to a talent we know you still can’t use” add in. Feelsbadman.


Precise Cut would be picked more if Outlaw tree had some of those mandatory talents baseline cough Loaded Dicecough

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It’s the fact that Dispatch gets an overall nerf, but no-CD Between the Eyes with Ace Up Your Sleeve is perfectly fine that gets me.


This is actually hilarious, in a pathetic kind of way


I have zero confidence that the people “working on” the class know how numbers work. Realz was literally in the discord asking why HO needs less haste than KiR.


This is laughable. Pathetic knee jerk nerf on Sept. 18th. Outlaw is still at the bottom, yet we only get the all ability damage back. The entire nerf from Sept. 18 should be reverted.

My prediction is….October 15th patch.

Melee auto attack damage INCREASED by 8%.
Dispatch damage INCREASED by 4%.


I just can’t believe once again outlaw is doing good damage in heroic for the first week, they once again reflexively nerf it then have to rebuff it a little later.

Like when they are talking about nerfs and buffs for classes did no one say “hey guys haven’t we nerfed outlaw after the first week of every xpac ever then it falls off after that first week?”

Like how did that cross not a single persons mind?

Also look at the bloody data, outlaws low damage and one of the least played specs across the board. The only thing beating it is the horrifically tuned fire mages and bloody sub rogues.


The problem is they do not know how to approach the spec because it lacks an identity. Without an identity there isn’t a clear design direction. And without a clear design direction it is hard for players to be engaged. And without engagement that leads to less participation. And with less participation that also means less data to tune with for buffs and nerfs.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


… You’re making that up. No wonder Bonez and the other ‘Theory Crafters’ have their jimmies rustled 24/7 if their venerated class designer has less knowledge than even the people (including me) on this forum.

It’s kind of hilarious if you think about it.


Outlaw is very, very easy to fix.

Crackshot on the left side is a clear identity they should just move the gun talents to the left side and move over the Sinister Strike talents to the far right and move the RTB buffs down the middle and all it a day.

They do the same thing with Sub with all the shadow damage on one side and gloom blade on the other.

They think they are keeping Rogues balanced but all that is happening is making it harder for people to make builds going down a tree.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Or you could simply make a branch for stronger builders w/ RtB talents interconnecting a branch with stronger spenders w/ Blade Flurry talents that don’t suck, where the center branch is your Restless Blades/Energy/Maintenance.

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On no one of the specs of the least played class is doing good damage. Better nerf.

What? No one has 4 piece yet? Doesn’t matter, base damage too much.


Oh, do I wish I was.

Last month, on the 4th. He saw the bot post
“HO builds will optimize towards 8-10% unbuffed haste.
KiR builds will optimize towards 18-20% unbuffed haste.”

“Where do these numbers come from?”

Like, bro. You design the class. WHAT DO YOU MEAN “WHERE DO THESE NUMBERS COME FROM” ???


And their 4 piece does so little damage that they can ditch it for replacements with better stat priority? Buff the tier set. But don’t make it actually do damage.

Our tier is still so bad that we could almost replace it with crit-vers or haste-vers equivalents and see almost zero damage loss right now. It’s honestly pathetic.

edit: I ran the numbers, and it’s about 5% difference at max ilvl, but we’d have to craft like 80% of the gear since they gave us zero options for chest, gloves, and pants that have either stat priority. If we had the actual options, it’d be more like 3-4% difference.


Wait…isn’t that the Hearthstone guy?

Was, a while back. As far as I’m aware, he moved teams over to WoW a while back to do class design work. Was working on Rogues, at least as far as going into the PTR.

Class development in PTR had a steep fall-off suddenly when people were reporting he’d gotten a promotion or something. And then, he suddenly reappeared last month in the discord, about when we suspiciously also started seeing some movement in the tuning again.

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Everyone at Blizzard is playing ret, mage and hunter only.


Nah, the rets rerolled dk for this expansion.


Had to see this for myself, jesus christ was that painful.

Per the white knights in that discord, it’s not the class designer’s responsibility to balance classes, but the player’s. This explains why tuning seems incoherent or not informed by data.

It wouldn’t make sense that developers with access to the entire season’s worth of gear couldn’t accurately sim outlaw dps with a first week’s worth of gear vs bis in every slot. Now I understand that they simply don’t sim at all, they just wing it when it comes to balance.