Outland Leatherworking

How many things do you have to make to go from 64 to 65? Got to 64 Yea, and then hour after hour of killing hulking Hel boars for knothide leather, and make Heavy knothide leather, to make Heavy Knothide Armor. Just UGH! And the thought that will go through the same thing if I want to run a toon with Alchemy or Jewel crafting? Yep, just venting again.

Do a research for a site called wow professions. It has grocery lists for every professions at every expansions. Tells you where to buy some vendor recipes and the cheapest skill up route.

Gets a bit messy when you get to DF and TWW Id wager because of the knowledge tree, but anything before it is quite reliable.

Edit: So I was able to put in that link.

The War Within Profession Guides

Yep that’s BC for ya. I remember being stuck on a lot of them because you needed drops or rep just to get recipes to level. Getting five levels was a grind.

Noooope not nostalgic at all for those. Lol. And just think, before you could do the next expansion crafting you had to finish the previous expansion, so no WotLK crafts til you finish BC! I was still out in Outland crafting when everyone else was in Northrend…T.T

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I just don’t understand why Blizz did this. Just awful. And i like to complete things, so it just becomes a drag.

Well. They did do something… You just missed it. Back in WoD your Garrison had a catch-up mechanism that made it easy to level old professions. But then they changed it and now it only applies to WoD.

Listen at least you can fly. I didn’t have the gold for flying back then and I had to walk the zones. Uphill. In the snow. Grumpy old man voice “…and we liked it that way!” shakes cane menacingly


With 18 slots bags! And stacks of skins of 20! And no reagents bags!

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I am getting grumpy. 5 1/2 hours yesterday. 2 hours tonight. Trying to get the 74-75 completion. I cannot afford the regents for guaranteed skill-up recipe. I think I need a break. Maybe I’ll play Big fish or Sim city for a few weeks. destress before I throw my laptop after making how many? 6 x knothide leather =1 heavy knothide. Need 6 heavy knothide to make one item! UGH!!! Really how many do I have to make for it to say 75?

If BC is all you need to finish, Darkmoon Faire will give you old skill ups for whatever is the most recent expansion that is not finished … That’s how I am getting Legion crafting completed XD

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Or, I need to stop being obsessive. I am now running a different toon, eating Ice cream :wink:


it is because you are fighting the wrong battle.
make gold, buy gold, buy the mats.

I gave up on completing professions with BfA as I just couldn’t spend the time farming all the materials. Its kind of nice now that the cycle has been broken for a few years. I do find skilling up the gathering professions odd though. I think TWW skinning levels up just questing. But mining you have to hunt for those one or two nodes that actually give skill ups past 90.

As long as your quests have you killing skinnable mobs. That’s not safe to assume in all leveling content.

But it’s a valid point that the last points of skinning don’t require “challenging” resource nodes like mining and herbing do.