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Hey, All,

Thanks so much for the interest, everyone! At this point our raid team is full! If you’d like to add me and chat, feel free. But for now, we have no spots on the raid team. Good luck in the Shadowlands!

Chain Reaction is an Alliance Guild on Lightbringer that raids T/Th 7-9:30 pm PST, raiding Normal and Heroic (currently AotC Ny’alotha). We’re looking for a few more people to raid with us in Shadowlands.
We are a smaller guild, established in 2009. We have achieved AotC every tier, with the exception of one, since Cataclysm. We also enjoy pushing Mythic +, a little PvP, old runs for Achievements, etc, and would consider Mythic raid pulls if the raid team is the right size and make-up, depending on raider interest.
We have people around just about every night up for something!
If you’re interested, feel free to hit me up on battlenet, RowanBeth#1291 or our GM Dune#1837. (I can also be reached on Discord, Beth #0208 .)

Hey, All, we still have room for a Windwalker/Mistweaver Monk or an Enhance Shaman! Hit me up in BattleNet or Discord :slight_smile: