Hey, All,
Chain Reaction is an Alliance Guild on Lightbringer that raids T/Th 7-9:30 pm PST, Normal and Heroic, currently AotC Ny’alotha. We’re looking to bring in a few more people who would enjoy raiding with us, both now and in Shadowlands.
We are a smaller guild, established in 2009. We have achieved AotC every tier (except one) since Cataclysm. We also enjoy pushing Mythic +, Islands, group Horrific Visions, a little PvP, old runs for Achievements, etc.
We have people around just about every night up for something!
Welcoming any, with a high need for WW Monk, Boomkin, and SPriest.
If you’re interested, feel free to hit me up on battlenet, RowanBeth#1291 or our GM Dune#1837. (I can also be reached on Discord, Beth #0208 .)
Are you currently looking for healers?
1 Like
Is you list of needs still accurate?
Hi, Kylisto,
Sorry to have missed your post! Currently we are in high need for WW Monk, Boomkin, and Warlock.
And we are definitely still recruiting.
Hi, Aibell,
I didn’t see your post on here before, but I know that we spoke in game. Currently I’m not sure that we’d have a raid spot for more healers, but players who are willing to flex are more than welcome!