Outbreak/Unholy blight

I don’t play death knight currently, but I find unholy to be pretty fun. Can’t for the life of me figure out why, when or where you’d wanna use unholy blight> outbreak. Aren’t they the same type of ability? Both apply virulent plague.

If someone could please clarify the difference between the two that would be great

Unholy blight also puts a stacking debuff (4x) on all targets. It also refreshes diseases every time it applies a stack.

  • 4 stack dmg plus diseases.
  • longer diseases due to reapplication.
    Those are your perks. Basically, use it on cd when mobs are stacked.

Okay I see, so why use outbreak then? I’m guessing it deals lesser damage. Like I used it on every pull, but then would be thinking. Should I stack the 2 abilities? Or if you use blight, don’t use outbreak, and if blight is on cd then use outbreak?

If blight is on cd use outbreak. The only time you hold blight is when you know a large pull is coming up right after. And don’t use blight at the end of trash.

The only thing outbreak does is apply diseases. And you do not need to use blight and outbreak together.