Out of sheer curiosity

I am 36 and I am loving this game I have barley had to deal with the que

I was talking to my daughter about the queue complaints. Daughter asked me the question I posted. I obviously didn’t know the answer, but the idea made me curious. So I posted. When I asked my daughter why age would matter she said she would explain after I gave her a (general) answer.

Does that help you?

I’m on westfall, i have never seen a queue yet.

Westfall was one of the servers created on launch day so it wasn’t a server that soaked up all the pre-made characters for 2 weeks.

I only had a 2 minute queue of like 300 on launch day but that was when things were unstable as hell.

I’m 28, i wouldn’t complain about the queue, i would simply pick a server that has no queue. I would complain if every server had a queue maybe, But I would likely just make a joke on the forums about the game being “World of DMV”

I’m 35 and went to a server with no queues. (Kirtonos)

I am 31 and while I am not actively complaining I can understand why people would be upset by this.

They don’t have time to wait between work and family not to mention they were more then likely meeting up to play with friends from highschool and the like

Big girls dont cry

Over 30 and accepted the fact of Queues were expected, esp. since Video Game Acapella Cover Singer Smooth McGroove said he was going to be on Pagle, the server I chose.

I expected and anticipated long queues both Day of and Week of the launch. Only time I was growing impatient was yesterday when the queue looked like it was bugged, but it was only 2 hours. Today it’s roughly 70 minutes.

I am a couple years just shy of 30, and honestly, everything that has been going on, I expected to happen, so I know better than to complain. I foreseen this happening and it’s sad that people who are complaining haven’t done the same to be in the correct mindset of a game that is experiencing it’s launch.

I’m 50, played at launch, and am pretty disappointed that I can’t play with my friends without all of them being forced to abandon their characters and switch to a low pop server. That’s not fair of me to ask them to do that.

It sucks, but complaining about it won’t solve the problem and it won’t change anything.

C’est la vie.

So… daughter tells me that although it’s a small sample size, the replies generally fit the generational norms… Here is her speech:

Under 30 (generally) tend to be less patient toward dealing with complex issues over which they have no control. The lack of patience increases as the age level decreases. Teens, and those in their 20’s have grown up with a sense of urgency instilled upon them. Information is to be given NOW. Answers are to be provided NOW. Problems are to be solved NOW. When that does not happen, it causes anxiety. And since they are used to the simplicity of finding information and answers, they are lacking in their ability to process the complexity of certain issues.

From 30 to 50 (generally), patience is almost the norm. Individuals in this age range are more adapted to deflecting the stress over trivial things in which they have no control. They are more able to “mentally” multi-task and focus on other issues of the day while those other issues are resolved. In this case, the feeling is “I would LIKE to be playing this game, but I am not going to stress over not being able to…” There are more important things in life to stress over.

Over 50 (generally) tends to revert back to the sub-30 mentality albeit not as much. And the older the person, the less patient. However, it is not due to a sense of urgency as in the under 30 group. It is more a sense of having things work properly and run smoothly. You will see their lack of patience in almost all parts of their daily life.

Thank you for your time.