Out of Curiosity, What is the Premade Plan if BGs become cross-faction?

I know there’s a plan to continue cheating, I’m just curious what it is?

Its been pretty covered…

Let me tell you exactly what’s going to happen with the cross faction fantasies you all go on about “fixing everything”. 60 people are going to solo que at the exact same time while in discord. There will be a huge pop… 29 of the people will be on horde side Ashran, 17 will have made it onto the ally side in the same Ashran and 14 won’t have popped and will just AFK… The raid lead will tell the 17 to drop and the 29 on horde side will just roll the pugs as usual… But it gets even better… The premade leader may say - “if any of you 17 that made it onto the other team want to stay and spy for us, tell us where they’re going, steal the AA, put up ice walls everywhere blocking your teams advance (“oops, sorry”), even better.” – Most will drop, but a few spies will stay. And this will happen every, single, time in “cross faction” epics… They’ll be worse than ever even imagined… And, these spies won’t be doing any healing or damage to help their teams either. So there’s that. Getting rid of MERC would at least put a stop to the spying… adding full cross faction will go the other way and open the floodgates to an absolute premade, spy filled, clown circus in every single epic game. It will be an absolute nightmare…

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Actually, This is fine. Because 50% of the time, as a random pugger, I’ll be with the team the discord leader picks as the winner, and 50% of the time, I’ll be with the team the discord leader picks as the loser.

So my win rate goes from 0% to 50%. I’ll take that every single day of the week.

How is this bad for the random pugger?

They are ok with cross-faction because they know they can keep exploiting it. It’s the only reason they agree to it.

Yes, but the solution proposed above drags the random puggers along for the ride 50% of the time. I see that as a win. I’m not seeing the drawback, as a random pugger. It’s bad for the premades in that half of their 60 players will lose every other match - it’s simple math.

They must have a DIFFERENT plan to exploit cross-faction.

Of course, that’s why me and more and more people are wanting them gone. WE need integrity and fairness back in the game.

Also, those 17 premade ally who drop not only get a big fat “L”, but they also get a 15-minute timeout. Sure, they can just hope on an alt, but then they’re waiting for their discord leader to finish the match before they can get back in queue.

Also, the random pugger can AFK, too, but when hopping on an alt, they don’t have to wait for any discord leader before getting back in queue. Again, I’m not seeing the downside.

Many of the 17 will just stay and spy because they don’t want to sit out deserter buffed and/or they think it’s funny; or, they feel obligated to do so, peer pressured, new guy etc whatever. This has already been intentionally going on via abusing merc for years in epics… Once cross faction hits, it’ll be merc on steroids; it will become an epidemic. Why? Because they’re all sitting in discord together all day anyway… It’ll just turn into – “Okay we got 28 on ally side and 9 on horde, so who’s going to stay and spy this game?” - Boom, welcome to your new cross faction nightmare. Now you’ve got 3 - 4 spies in coms with the opposing premade every single game.

Yea, I am definitely not seeing the downside. You have 60 premade. 29 get horde, 17 get alliance, 14 get nothing. Less than 50% of the premade gets a “W”. Meanwhile, 11 puggers get pulled along for the ride. Basically, the premade has invited 11 filthy puggers into their group.

What you’re describing sounds lDEAL to me, and the “chaos” you’re describing sounds like a very desirable side-effect of random cross-faction matches. Instead of premade communities exploiting the system for honor farming, everyone gets to exploit it.

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, I do appreciate it.

Wall of text.

Wall of irrefutable facts… That will absolutely happen.

I sure hope so. Premade players win rate goes down, pugger win rate goes up. Where do I sign up?

Premade players win rate goes down, premade team win rates will remain unchanged. Actually it’ll be much worse for pugs as there will be spies working against the pugs in every single game thanks to cross faction. Cross faction will probably be the nail in the coffin for pvp.

I fail to see how it’s worse for pugs. Can you elaborate? All I’m seeing is that pugs will get spots on the premade, and their win rate raises from 0% to much greater than 0%. Yes, premade team win rate remains 100%, but now, puggers will make up a good percentage of that team.

I would imagine the premade communities would still form multiple parties of five and sync queues. You’re not gonna know which instance faction each party is going to be on…but the parties themselves aren’t broken up.

This idea might make things more…“interesting” or competitive for the communities I guess. I.E. increase the drama, lol.

No, they will queue 80 players instead of 40. So our win rate won’t change, always 2%.

6 posts.

My guess is the OP and people like him are truly terrible at playing epic BGs and/or don’t want to play them in the first place.

But to answer the question if there are any reasoned people reading, people who enjoy epic BGs will continue to play them. Some will enjoy playing solo or with small groups, just as they already do.

People like the OP will continue to lose, leech, troll, and cry that everything is only as they see it and everyone else’s fault.

Hope that helped.

If I were truly terrible at PVP, I’d be joining premades. Duh.

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