Loosing an animal friend always hurts, regardless of what species . . . personally I take comfort that they await on the “other side” as it were. Hope you and yours are safe and recovering and take heart in the fact that, for however brief your time together was, she loved you all the more for it.
I’m so sorry to hear about losing your furbaby. We went through a similarly sudden loss a few years ago. We adopted a darling 6 month old kitten who appeared completely healthy. Then we noticed he seemed to be breathing really fast about 5 months later. I thought maybe he had asthma (pets can get that just like humans) but turned out he had FIP. I wouldn’t curse that on anyone because it’s an awful way to see your cat go. We did what we could to make him more comfortable and he stayed with us for another month, he was doing quite well but then at the end he crashed overnight & we refused to let him suffer like he was, so we had him put to sleep. FIP is to cats what Covid is to us (coincidentally both caused by a coronavirus) and why I’m being so damn cautious about this pandemic. I don’t want to suffocate like our little boy did.
Be safe out there everyone. Wear a mask & social distance.
Its really sad your kitty died so young, you have my condolences
My cat passed away around the start of the year, he gave me 16 years of company.
Ashenblade, not sure what horrible things must have traumatized you in your life to make you leave a comment like this on a thread about someone losing their kitten but I hope that you heal from it and/or get help for it.
cause of death sounds suspicious tbh. If the kitten had a birth defect the vet should have picked up on that when you took her before buying.
several possible causes of liver failure.
sorry for your loss though
OP, I sincerely feel for you, your family and your little kitty. As some others have said, sometimes these things just happen and they are out of our hands. We just try to do our part and give our furry companions the best life that we can give. And most importantly we give them our love. It’s going to hurt for a while because we love our pets, as we should. In time you and your family will heal from your loss but the memories of your kitty and the joy she brought will endure.
“Those we love never truly leave us. There are things that death cannot touch” -Jack Thorne
Losing a pet is always a tough thing.
I lost my dog and best friend of 13 years the second week of August. Not sure I’ll ever get over it. Pets bring so much love and leave a lot of pain when they go. Obviously there’s good memories and such but I’m still at the point where just seeing a picture or video saved on my phone sends me over the edge. Sorry about your kitty.
Take a look at his/her post history. They seem to think the forums are a place to say what they want to whomever they want, including shady jabs at people for English maybe not being their first language. Truly just the lowest form of forum trash imo. I wouldn’t be surprised if posting privileges are revoked for that one for several days…
No that’s not what I mean. I mean my DADS drama. As in he would have beat me if I had of called the cops, or at the least, spent 6 hours screaming at me over it, smashing furniture, kicking our dog etc. I’m an adult now and got him out my life, so would be different. Though I will leave it at that and not clog up this thread anymore. Sorry op.
100x this. 1000x.
If your loss makes you sad, go rescue another cat. Rescues desperately need more people to give animals a home, and you already have everything you need to own a cat.
I find if you want to really get at someone, pity them rather than repudiate them. Some people like getting others upset. But when someone shows pity that drives them crazy.
In my eyes, losing a pet is just making room for another in your heart. It’s still hard though, make no mistake. Obviously one should take time to grieve and only really do it when you’re ready. There is no shame in waiting months, or even years.
I have gotten a couple of pets over the years that sort of helped me get over the loss of another. In the past I have sometimes waited a week or 2 before weighing my options, but everyone deals with loss differently.
How I deal is usually adopting another pet. Not in an attempt to replace what I lost, because that is impossible, but to give myself and the new pet some happiness when we need it the most. Sorta like being each other’s support animal. lol
I appreciate the sentiment, however most people need time to heal before getting another pet.