Our kitten passed away this morning (wasnt even 6 months old)

I know how you feel. The first kitten i ever adopted died at about 6 months due to a weak heart. We knew it was coming because he never got any bigger than he was, but it still hurt all the same. One day he was just gone.

Take solace in the fact that you gave it a good home for what little time it had

Feline Pneumonia is absolutely horrifying. We almost lost one of ours last year to it. We felt so helpless watching him struggle to breathe for over a week, and had to force feed him through it because he wouldn’t even move on his own except to go to the bathroom.

We were all but certain that he wasn’t going to make it, but then one day he started eating the food we put in front of him without being forced, and slowly his breathing eased over the next few days.


I, too, lost a family member this morning. My favorite Beta Fish passed away last night. His name was Black Beard even though he was Blue. It was a horrible loss and my wife and I are taking it very very hard. We had a sad swirling burial at sea for him. He will be sorely missed.

I’m so sorry for your loss!


This is one hell of a bad year for getting sick. Cant go inside anywhere with your pet or loved one, having to wait longer.

My deepest condolences for your loss.

With your permission I will send positive energy your way during my next meditation.


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I’m sorry for your loss hun!

As the vet said, it was probably already sick from birth. :frowning:

One thing you can check is the catfood you’ve been feeding her. A lot of stupid A brands put sugar or caramel or whatever name they put it under, in cat food for the sole reason to make it look good, to us. They dye the food with pretty much, poison to kitties, to make it look yummy to us. Felix is one of the brands that does this. :frowning:


Thanks for all the condolences everyone :slight_smile:

Mostly, we were worried it was something we did. One of us could have dropped tylonel and it got eaten (tylonel is extremely deadly to animals), which has similar symptoms. But, for one, she’d have blue lips and swollen paws. And that worry was cut out quick cause cassiel’s blood count was normal, if a cat or dog eats tylonel they get messed up blood counts, think more red blood cells than normal is the main thing.

So I think it was out of our hands, its just that initial thing of blaming ourselves when it wasn’t. Still, we are going to go through our all home and make sure there is nothing that can be eaten for our other cats, even if that wasn’t the thing, still gives an excuse to clean.


Please don’t blame yourself OP.
You gave that kitten a wonderful forever home but sometimes things out of our control happen.

Good vibes and thoughts your way for you and your family.


Sorry for your loss. My cat of 13 years passed away last year of kidney failure. Our vet gave me a paw print in plaster in a very nice box.

It’s sad when these things happen. It also shows that you thought of all the potential possibilities as to the cause so that tells me you’re probably a considerate, respectful person and would be a good person to raise another furry soul.

Don’t worry about your kitten, she’s free but you can save the life/lives of 1 or 2 more kittens by adopting them from a kill shelter.

I bet your kitten would like that.

Had one about 5 months old that was poisoned and died about 3 weeks ago, it was my dog that found him.

One of my older cats was also affected by the poison but he survived and currently recovering, hes a lot better now.

We never found out who poisoned them, and we werent the only one, another cat from a family member that lives nearby was also sick, but he recovered a lot faster.

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That’s good to know. Ty for that.

I know you’re trying to help, but People need time to grieve.

My baby girl died very early this year, and I’m almost ready to adopt a new one now. Just a bit longer.



I’m so very sorry to hear about your kitten. Take comfort in knowing that you provided it a good home and love. I lost my fifteen year old cat two years ago and it was devastating. I had her with me from the time I moved out of my parents’ home. It took a long time for me to get over it, but eventually I did. I have a new cat now that I love just as much. He’s not a replacement, of course, but he fills the same space in my heart. It helps that I have a collage of pictures of my old cat, an urn with her ashes and a little pawprint the vet made for me when I we had her put to sleep. Maybe those things would help you as well?

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No problem, I was disgusted when I found out but only weak cats will get in trouble with it, a healthy cat can eat it for years before any trouble could possibly come up and it would be impossible to figure out. A cat’s system can’t do anything with sugar. it’ll damage the corresponding organ as it tries to do something with it. (I forgot if it was kidneys or liver…)

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Sorry for your loss.

/Hugs, sorry for the kitty, to you and your family. It’s a horrible pain, loss.

I’ve been through this. Had a dog poisoned with bait in the backyard. Never understood why. She was a quite gentle dog, never barked or anything. Old show dog, who just liked cuddles. I was a teen and was skipping school that day when I found her.

Also had an old man send his dog into our yard to attack my cat and then me, cause I jumped in. Lucky I had heaps of experience with handling dogs and got the dog to settle. Much to the dismay of the old man, who then hit me with his Cain. Strangely that was also another skipping school day, I wanted to binge my new game baten kaitos.

Some people are just awful people.

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I’m sorry for your loss. It’s very painful to see animals past away like that.

What the actual duck?! Did you call the cops on him?

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My wife and I got a kitten in mid-June. He was the runt of the litter, AND he was a black cat, which meant he would likely have died without us. But we took him home and loved him and fed him and played with him.

And then, two months after we got him, my wife found him dead where he’d fallen asleep on his bed the night before. It was crushing. He had a bad heart and never would have made it. There was nothing we could have done or did that we shouldn’t have done. It was just his time.

So please, accept my heartfelt condolences for your loss. I know exactly how it feels, and “miserable” doesn’t do the feeling justice.