Our friend Weiz, author of the famous addon WeizPVP, needs our help

We all know Weiz. He’s been that bro from Emerald Dream that has contributed significantly to our World PVP culture through his Addon and through his presence.

Well, as some of you may have heard through his addon page, he’s been injured in a car accident. His brother writes:

I’m sorry to be the one to bring this news to you, but weiz was in a pretty rough car accident a couple weeks ago. He is in high spirits but will remain in the hospital for a few more weeks. He also has a lot of physical therapy ahead of him once he’s out, so returning to this project may not be possible for some time. His primary hand had been badly injured and will require sometime for time to be able to use the computer as he once did.

We’re hoping everything works out and he wanted to thank you all for enjoying his project over the last few years. He may or may not come back to it at some point as his hands may take some time to get back to working like they did before, but if he does he will let you know!

I wanted to let others know who knew him in-game, but due to the 2-step authorization hassles, this was the easier to work with as his phone was destroyed in the crash. Please let others know in-game or anywhere else if they knew him! I know he would appreciate it very much!

-brother of weiz

I’d like to ask anyone who is able to show their support to donate to him through his Patreon. If you’ve used WeizPVP or appreciate the massive amount of effort he’s poured into creating it, now is really the time to show that support if you can.

I originally thought of setting up something new but I think this might be the easiest way for him to get some help since it’s already in place and he’s already got it setup.

Weiz is one of our own and I think it’s important for us to stick by each other.

Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll join me in showing ED’s support for Weiz during this difficult time for him.


Bumping for the importance for it.


Bump!! Show Weiz some love!!!


Thank you Kerrie!!!


Bump! This should stay at the top, not all the childish drama.


oh wow, is there any news on him. I use to love his addon, and being slaughtered by him.


I don’t talk about this much because I can’t stand how judgey people get. That being said, I said a prayer for him and his family. I hope he recuperates sooner than later.


Nevermind, I saw the answer to my question after reading the original post again.

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I hope you are healing well. I have enjoyed seeing you in game and using your amazing addon. It has brought so much fun to my game experience and promoted many of the friendships and friendly in game rivalries :slight_smile: thank you for all of your work. Now, I hope you take the time for yourself and I hope you recover and I know you’ve got a large part of this community who’s got your back, just like how you were there for us.

-MooMae, Sargeras


Is there a way to link or tell us how we can find his patreon? I would love to contribute.


I don’t have the link on me, but it’s on the page for his addon.

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I hope he’s ok.

A guildie brought up Weiz today and I was curious as to if anyone has seen or heard from him. The link is broken for his page and I hope he’s doing okay.