Otto does not spawn after returning overflowing fish barrel

Returning the overflowing fish barrel to the same spot you picked up the empty one should spawn Otto as an NPC and he should give you a quest to receive the mount. I have farmed for the fish and returned the barrel three seperate times and have not been able to get Otto to spawn. Please fix this frustrating game breaking bug.


Hi, I am seeing the same thing

waiting for some answers… same here ):

see, i thought it was because on the toon i did it on, he did not complete dragonflight. but if you are all experiencing the same thing its not because of that. everything worked except him spawning. i did it twice. and filled it a third time, but am waiting until it’s fixed. took a good 2 days out of my life for this mount.

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Same here. I hope I don’t have to do it all again.

bumping this
Happened to me as well… I hope I don’t need to fish in the lava again but probably will

I have the same issue. Submitted a ticket and their response were links to articles. I replied with two links: one to this thread and another that was reported a couple days ago.

Here is what a GM recently replied to me. Looks like they’re working on it:

I read what you wrote to us. Allow me to apologize for the inconvenience caused by this situation as I am aware how frustrating it is.

After looking into this for you, we found that our devs are already investigating this issue.

While sometimes we can handle in game issues by applying workarounds suggested by our developers, some other issues can only be addressed by them (our devs). As such, we recommend reporting this issue you encountered as a bug via the same forums you found or via in game, not only that gets more data into the hands of our developers to look into what’s going on, but it also gives a better impression of how wide of an impact it’s having, so that it can be best prioritized on the list of things to look into.

Note: Bug reports submitted in-game do not receive a personal response. Instead, they’ll be directed to the teams responsible for addressing them.

Until the issue is resolved, your patience would be highly appreciated!


I have same problem, do I need to report any other place?

I would just submit a ticket. Letting them know how many people are having issues should bring more attention to it.

Just got the Otto mount fresh after maintenance! I disabled my add-ons, then dropped the barrel. It took a moment for Otto to appear and the empty barrel did appear again, but I got it. So hopefully it will work for you, too! Good luck!


Glad to hear some people are getting their mounts. I will do it this weekend when I have time to refill my barrel and come back to report my result.

I did the same and get otto!! Good luck guys