Otterworldly Ottuk

Blizzard, I really can’t express my disappointment in words with how you ruined the full potential of the Otterworldly Ottuk.

It could have been the ultimate mount:

  • Water mount
  • Ground mount
  • Static flying mount
  • Dynamic flying mount

What are the chances that the first mount in-game that can do all four, will be a store mount?

i think we had got one the flying fish we got not sure will check out

I don’t understand. It can do all of those things and isn’t a store mount?

No, before the pre-patch, it was a water/ground/flying mount.

Now it’s a water/ground mount if you have dynamic flying enabled.


OOooooh, so it can’t Skyride? I haven’t tried. I enjoy regular flying a lot more.

Does not have Dynamic Flight, it is a static flight only.

Unless I am misunderstanding your “I don’t understand”. It is not a store mount.


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thought it had the swim speed added to it

Just tested it, and it’s not a water mount with dynamic flying enabled.

same here lol

The ottuk is to skyriding/steady flight as the sky golem is to mount equipment. It does something ‘special’ so it gets locked out of the system.

How odd. I just tested this out and it’s strange that such a high achievement mount can’t do Skyriding…the thing Blizzard is really trying to push, LOL.

Edit: I still just use regular flying but feels bad for those who actually want to Skyride with it.


Makes sense though.

Wondrous Wavewhisker does all of these. Though technically not a ground mount I suppose, other than you can use it out of water, which some aquatic mounts cannot.

It says “steady flight only” so if your flight style is turned on to dynamic, the mount is only GROUND mount.

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Apparently the Wavewhisker loses its swim speed bonus when skyriding is enabled, which is funny to me. Really can’t have that all-in-one mount, which is probably totally intentional. After all, everyone using water striders for several expansions in a row because it was the ‘optimal’ ground mount is a big part of what led to the mount equipment system. Blizz actively does not want everyone using the same mount or for it to be a min/max thing lol

what is this something “special” that it does? As others have said, the Wonderous Wavewhisker can do everything the Otterworldly can, but it can also skyride.