Otter Pet Taming

Is there still a bug with the taming? I’ve completed all required quests and i’m level 18 in rep. Every ottuk I try keeps giving me “you do not know how to tame ottuk”

Not bugged as far as I know because as soon as I got my taming thing this is the one I went after and had no trouble might be trying to tame the wrong kinds.

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Did you do the campaign quest for the other Tuskarr tribe in Waking Shores? After it is complete, you learn the tame.

yes, that’s why i said i did all the quests needed for it.

if you tame the wrong kinds it would say “not tameable” not “you don’t know how to tame ottuks”

Did you do the quest and all that on the character you are trying to tame with?
I have heard reports of people doing it on different characters and then trying to tame with their hunter and having 0 success.
I’m sure you’ve prob done it all on that character, but no harm in just making sure that isnt the issue.

yep. i know cause i have the flight path, the achievement and the cooking recipe at the end you can get after all is done.

I know this is probably not helpful but I would submit a ticket, even as just a backup plan

i’m trying to. last time i submitted a ticket was years ago. now it sent me to a forum post for support>bug report. is that the right way?

dumb question but did you restart the game, just in case? i feel like i had an issue like that after learning tame dead things…

That may direct you an already existing thread that may, or may not be helpful. You might have to reclassify some of your selections about the issue to get to writing up a full ticket if you want a more direct q/a to supposed GMs.

i completed the quests weeks ago not knowing it was the way to unlock ottuks so yea the game has been restarted plenty of times.

do tickets now just direct to forums or is there a way to actually submit a ticket to a gm?

It depends on how you describe, and classify the issue in the various dropdown selections. Bug reports are basically a forum now, rather than submissions. Many issues, to their credit, can be answered by already existing threads, and they try to direct people there. If you need a more specific response to a new/unique/unanswered situation, that seems to be the primary use of an actual ticket nowadays, but you may have to adjust how you describe the problem to get that option.

thank you! i will try that. i’m really just so confused and frustrated.

There’s different solutions to different problems so I’m not sure what will happen when you try to submit a ticket